Ecuadorian Presidential plane

Ecuador's Presidential Plane, is the Falcon or the Legacy for sale??

Time agoás became públic the to intendón of the State to sell an airplaneón Presidential of Ecuador, ¿thaté notó? ¿than the countryó or sellá? ¿Falcon o Legacy?

Hereí we update with the más recent informationón.

Sirá añO, when the 7 august 2017, it is announcedó la venta de uno de los dos aviones Presidenciales con los que cuenta Ecuador, that operate under the Force AéEcuadorian area y el escuadrópresidential n, but so far, this has not been finalized.

New informationón indica que esta operación habría sido cancelada. Hereí se explicará las posibles causas, ya que no se ha dado un pronunciamiento oficial sobre esta operación, aún.

Pese a que no habría venta, this informationócan'tía actualizarse y cambiar rápiously.

Vender un aviópresidential n

La principal dificultad de la decisión de vender uno de los 2 presidential planes that Ecuador has passes through the market. La industria de compra y venta de aeronaves está “collapsed” with executive private jets of all values, models, age and benefits.

Whatever it is, the grandfatherón que se hubiera vendido, ya que jamás se confirmó exactamente cuál era el elegido, put it up for sale on the world market and make it attractive to all the existing supply, hacia de su venta un gran desafíO.

Otra problemática es la complejidad de vender un bien del Estado, this legal issue is complex and extensive, ajeno a lo aeronáuseful, por lo que no profundizaré, but that certainly affects the process.

¿Hornbeamía interesados?

Few, but yesí. Digamos a un Jeque árabe, quien por lo exótico de tener un avión donde volaron presidentes, couldía considerarlo, but with the issues above, lograrlo sería difícil sea cual sea el potencial comprador y lo haría máyes dear.

the grandfatherón que se habría vendido

As it was told, oficialmente o al menos públicamente, nunca se indicó cuál se vendería, ¿cuál debería haberse vendido?

Personally, depende mucho de cada misión o de los objetivos.  First, Ecuador jamás debió haber tenido 2 planes, se debió comprar uno que logre los objetivos de transporte del Presidente de Ecuador en su totalidad, but talk about it, It's too late.

A lo mejor el Falcon 7X debió ser el avión desde un inicio o no, tal véz algo más grande como un Airbus A319ELR operado por Tame era otra opción, para llevar al presidente y comitivas en un solo avión, but i did it, hecho está.

Si me tocaría elegir entre ambos aviones, personally, elegiría al Falcon 7X como el avión oficial de uso de la presidencia de Ecuador. They are autonomousía y operación en las mismas pistas donde puede operar el Legacy 600 lo hace el más idóneo operativamente hablando.

Shorter travel times for a President is essential, but there are más altos costos por detrás. comfort themes, seguridad y tecnología es similar en ambos aviones.

Now, si nos vamos por lo económonkey, el Falcon es considerablemente más caro de operar y el Legacy saca su punto a favor, but there will beía que analizar también el verdadero uso que se le da a cada avión y si por ejemplo, the most number of calls that the Legacy does, ends up equaling the Falcon in operating costs.

La misión y uso real del avión, dutyía haber determinado el avión óptimo, lo demás, es análisis personal.

If the objective is to recover money for the State, ante la situación econóbit of breadís, por el Falcon 7X se podrían recuperar unos $21 millions of dóhomes approximately and by the Legacy 600 some $10 millions más the least.

Now, with 2 aircraft must be indicated, that each one is very different, Each has its advantages and disadvantages:

Dassault Falcon 7X FAE-052

El Falcon 7X llegó a Ecuador el 2 de noviembre del añO 2013, used, for a value of $48 millions of dólares como un plan de modernización y mejora de los servicios de transporte del Presidente y comitivas.

Currently, it's avión ha sido el más usado por el Presidente actual y fue el avión utilizado en la más reciente gira por Europa.


  • Independentía que permite vuelos directos hasta Europa desde Ecuador.
  • Until 16 passengers secún configurationón.
  • increased speed (up Mach 0.90)


  • Higher operating cost by having 3 engines, which implies higher expenses in maintenance and fuel.

Embraer Legacy 600 FAE-051

The Legacy 600 fue el primer avión jet Presidencial de Ecuador oficial como reemplazo de los viejos y confiables Avro, que sirvieron por años a los presidentes de Ecuador. bought new, directly to Embraer by $28 millions of dóhomes, arrivedó a Ecuador el 19 de diciembre del añO 2008.

Al dífrom today, it's avión se lo ha visto realizando varios vuelos de prueba y entrenamiento en Ecuador gracias a Flight Radar 24.


  • Lower operating cost by having 2 engines, which implies savings in maintenance and fuel.
  • Convenient for regional flights 3 a 5 hours.


  • Menor autonomía, requiere más escalas para por ejemplo, get to europe.
  • Lower cargo and passenger capacity.

¿Whaté hacer con el avión?

Informationón, not official, indicates that it is almost a given that the Embraer Legacy 600 to beá the grandfatherón que se de baja de la flota presidencial. Las opciones que el Estado podría trabajar con este aviócan'tían ser, among other:

  • Sabreliner replacement: it's avión isá de salida de la FAE y el Legacy sería un excelente reemplazo para el transporte en cortas distancias para Generales, Ministers and even Vice President.
  • Transfer it to another State entity: what along with leave it in the fae, es la opción más sencilla. Hacer el traspaso del avión entre entidades del propio Estado es un proceso mucho más rápido y sencillo.
    • Incorporarlo a la flota de Petroamazonas EP ayudaría a potenciar la operación aérea de esta Empresa Pública en la amazonia, tendería que ser reconfigurado para aumentar su capacidad. Petroamazonas currently operates an Embraer 145, older brother of the Legacy that is Embraer 135, por lo que la adaptación de pilotos y personal, to beía más ráI ask.
    • Pass it to Tame, for instance, para ponerlo a volar en rutas de baja demanda podría ser interesante, aunque generaría gastos extras para la aerolínea en la capacitación, spare parts, personal, etc. Spaghettién, tendería que ser reconfigurado.

We will continue to report any changes or additional news about the sale or not of one of the presidential planes..

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15 thoughts on “Ecuador's Presidential Plane, is the Falcon or the Legacy for sale??”

  1. Enrique Arteaga

    Well it's been over 1 year since it was announced that it was sold 1 wing transport plane 11, supposedly the Legacy 600, we see that it is not so, I saw him a few days ago in the VIP terminal in Quito, we see that it is a lie.

  2. Enrique Arteaga

    what happened to the finals with the Legacy?, I have been commented, I cannot certify that it is still flying and is used by the Vice President, that was seen in Tulcán a short time ago.

  3. Enrique Arteaga

    ¿Dos Gulfstream?, new?, the question is why 2 Gulfstream if we already have the FALCON and the LEGACY, but welcome, now if they sell the FALCON and the LEGACY since it is better to have two planes of the same type, facilitate logistics. In order to obtain commercial profitability from the LEGACY and/or FALCON, their configuration would have to be changed so that they carry 20 O 25 passengers instead of 13, could fly on unprofitable TAME routes, maybe QUITO-SANTA ROSA, GUAYAQUIL-CUENCA, a nice.

  4. Enrique Arteaga

    I am not surprised that people who do not know aviation make comments without foundation or common sense, but I suppose people who know something about airplanes and who know something about government management and security should have an opinion. To say that Ecuador does not need 2 airplanes without analyzing the way in which they are used or rather used by President Correa is unfortunate, I was a witness that even having 2 aircraft there were times when none were available due to last minute failures, the rush of the operation, etc.; the planes must be subjected to periodic inspections that last days or weeks in an authorized center, Likewise, if an incident or major failure occurs, they should be taken to Brazil or the USA., or wait several days for the replacement part to arrive (even having a contract for the supply of spare parts), Thus, Correa, who flew in and out of the country every week, had to resort to Petroecuador's ERJ or other FAE planes on more than one occasion. (especially to go to runways where jets did not operate), on one occasion when I had to fly from Tababela there was a last minute failure in the designated plane, I don't remember which one, so he had to fly on a police plane that was going to transport the Minister of the Interior and that was coincidentally ready in Tababela (something that for security should not do), on another similar occasion he simply had to make the trip by land and that supposedly counting on 2 jets. Now if we have a government that does not govern, who simply receives orders from a certain embassy or a certain mayor, maybe you don't need planes for the president; but even so that the FAE and therefore Ecuador have executive planes that allow people to be moved quickly, Government officials, guests of the state or even victims of massacres in Mexico is not a big deal, any country with the size and weight of Ecuador has executive planes for government use. The Legacy and the Falcon are Presidential aircraft only when carrying the President, as well as the rest of the state aircraft, when they are not assets of the FAE and the Ecuadorian state. No aircraft will be sold, It has been clear for a while now that what the government says is one thing and what it does is another.

    1. Hello, Enrique, Thanks for your comment, leaving out the political that does not interest in this blog, It seems correct to you within the economy of our country to have double spending on VIP executive transport planes for use by the Presidency, if countries with large economies or more than ours, like Colombia and Peru do not have that luxury?

      1. Enrique Arteaga

        Nicolás, unfortunately, false premises are often used or, in any case, exaggerated. you comment “It seems correct to you within the economy of our country to have double spending on VIP executive transport planes for use by the Presidency”, Ecuador is an economy of 100 billion that has grown almost steadily in recent 17 years, the crisis is the story to make the rich richer with everyone's money (that is a lot of money), but assuming we are “starving” there are many expenses that should be eliminated, perhaps eliminate the Armed Forces and strengthen the Police, maybe not have army aviation, nor naval aviation and strengthen the FAE, lack 4 military and police pilot schools, only one, have no fighter jets, Possible savings are wherever you want, eliminate expenses and institutions “unnecessary” it is easy on paper and according to the interests of each one, Ecuador can have 2 executive jets, he has them for years, It doesn't make much of a difference in expense and those planes help prepare pilots with the latest technology., of course you owe them and can use them for important transport missions, It occurs to me that even in an emergency situation they can serve as long-range observation planes..

        We must understand that aircraft FAE051 and FAE052 are not from the Presidency, nor of the President, they are FAE planes, of the ALA Special Transport Squadron 11, Latacunga. They not only transport the President but also other state officials, high-level guests or victims of certain crimes. If you want to compare with the neighbors we are not out of focus, Colombia in addition to a BBJ has a pair of FOKKERS, 1 Embraer 600, 2 Helos. Peru has a Boeing 737 and Mi-17 for “presidential transport” but also has Bech available 200, C-27J and An-32B that can be used for executive transport. chili has 737, Beech 200, Gulfstream, 767, of Argentina and Brazil not to mention. Finally I tell you that it is not luxury, it is necessity, just as it is necessary for the President to have security, have armored cars, etc. We are not Somali, this is Ecuador. But if, strictly speaking, the President of Ecuador can travel by taxi and commercial airline and the mayors can travel by bus, reports can be filled out by hand and not on a computer, a nice.

        1. There's no doubt it's a must, I don't dispute that, for me a president should have his plane with the technological measures of the case, communication, etc. My point is just that, given the situation in the country, be it crisis or whatever you want to call it, have 2 aircraft of these characteristics is not logical, even more so when the FAE has the planes Casa, Beechcraft, Boeing 737 and soon they will activate 2 Gulfstream, then it is an excess of transport planes.

          Yes, I would like to see that, for example, the Legacy, as I expose it in the post, be transferred to an institution where it is used more and even generates a return., why not.

        2. what an absurd comment, without base. It is necessary to have knowledge of the cause to express a positive opinion on the subject of “PRESIDENTIAL AIRCRAFT”, that were acquired with other intentions….say eliminate the Armed Forces….It is something that does not even fit in the thought of the reason of a state.

  5. Totally agree Nicholas and Gabriel, the terrible management of the previous government including the purchase of a plane for the presidency without the adequate vision in terms of functionality, range and capability had to buy the Falcon from France.

    TAME needs a plane like the Legacy for airports with low demand, shortening distances because it is a jet, however I think it would be more expensive to operate than a turboprop at its comparative capacity, the ATR42-500 are perfect for local routes. Anyway, would be fine for TAME.

  6. Gabriel Gualan

    Your post is very interesting and timely.. Thank you for making known the mistakes made by the previous government regarding the acquisition of these aircraft.. For me the best option is for Lagacy to pass it on to Tame.

    1. oswaldo carlosama

      No, sir, they are not errors, they are lively Creoles, studies have always been delivered for these aviation issues by the Air Force, they never receive your recommendations.

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