aviation ferry flight or empty flight

What is a ferry flight? I'll explain

If you don't know whaté Is it a ferry flight or empty flight?íO, In this installment I explain this concept to you, which is very common.ún and aviationón and that happens very often.

In this úlast time I have used más at once the expressionón: “ese avión comes by ferry flight” what has generated más of a query among blog readers and followers on networks, that's why I foundé pertinent to generate a post dedicated to this expressionón.

in aviationóthere is a lot of téspecial terms, there is even a dictionary, sí the aviationón has a dictionary with téterms, phrases and words thatúnot intended to be usedíeven in daily life, but if within the industry.

This space isá intended for all of us to learn, así let's get to the point.

Ferry or vac flightíO

Ferry we can translate it frímind like “transport” O “carry” to the spyñol, but its translationóNo literal meaning is that it is an empty flightíO (does not mean that the avión flies alone).

La definitionón exact is the following:

A flight whose propósite is that of (1) return an avión to the base; (2) deliver an aircraft from one place to another; (3) move an aircraft to and from a maintenance base and (4) others. The ferry flights, Under some conditions, can be carried out under the téterms of a special flight permit. They do not carry paying passengers.

And tésimple ends, A ferry flight is one where an airplaneón goes completely emptyíO, but yesí and obviously, with his crewócabin number, cabin of passengers it is included témaintenance conical y técynical secúin the case.

Types of ferry flights

An empty flightío a más of the cases already mentioned, they can alsoén have other propsósites that I detail belowón:

  • empty flightsíto carry out humanitarian transfers.
  • Flights for repatriationónumber of citizens.
  • Change from one airport to another to fulfill an itinerary.
  • Air transferón for devío from aircraft.
  • Airplane transferón to make up for cancellations.
  • return flightón to twoño from aircraft.
  • Y más.

I hope you have enjoyed this reading and if you want to know or know moreás about somethingún término aeronáparticular utico, let me know in the comments or networks ;).

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18 thoughts on “What is a ferry flight? I'll explain”

  1. Jose L Celada E

    Hello there, what you define as a ferry flight is actually a positional or transfer flight. The ferry flight is when the aircraft has its airworthiness qualities impaired for some reason and to be carried out it needs special permissions from the manufacturer and the relevant authority.. Of course, no auxiliary crew, only the necessary technicians.

  2. Hello there, to add one more comment to what has already been explained, it is known as “ferry flight” specifically and technically when the flight is conducted with a “Open note in the Aircraft Logbook” and it is Authorized by the Manufacturer and is used exclusively when the problem cannot be solved in the Station that is found because it requires to be authorized for an FC or 2 until you reach your final destination, the other flights are known as de “transfer nothing more”.

    1. Thanks Mark for the explanation., there are details that perhaps in the translation of coming from English is lost or confused. When you read the definition of “ferry” in English, says that it is all those flights without passengers or non-commercial, where for example “transfer flight” O “positioning” they are a type of ferry flight.

  3. There are some tweaks to the theme.

    Indeed, a ferry flight, It is a flight in NON-COMMERCIAL operation and with the aeronautical technical staff (Pilots and mechanics) on board.

    But no flights for humanitarian stove transfers like appointments.

    hence the question:

    What is a Special Flight and what is a Concentration Flight?

  4. Jairo Cardona Suarez

    Ferry flight is the journey or journeys made by an aircraft to position said aircraft at a given airport and which is carried out without passengers and/or cargo.

    For example, this term applies to the delivery of an aircraft to an airline by the manufacturer., maintenance center or other airline, also for charter flights in which passengers or cargo are transported only one way or return, etc.

    In the case stated by Nicolás regarding the transfer of the aircraft by diversion, it only applies if the journey is made without passengers or without cargo..

    1. Good evening, actually even in the different areas of the airport there is a very liberal use for that term Ferry, but the correct use of the Ferry flight is that only the Manufacturer authorizes it and the Operator requests it, and it is exclusively when there is an open Note in the Book of the Plane, when this expression has been misused and it has been said that a flight leaves Ferry when in fact it leaves only for a transfer, This has caused inconveniences in the maintenance area since it is understood by ferry that the plane comes to stay in the hangar to solve the problem that it brings, and there the detail and problem caused by misusing the expression Ferry x Transfer

  5. as far as i know, a ferry flight, it is a flight of an aircraft that has suffered damage and/or malfunction at an airport that does not have facilities, but that does not affect the airworthiness to make a flight for once, authorized by the competent body.
    In the case of moving an aircraft from one point to another and it has no faults or within the MEL, is named ” transfer flight”

  6. I would like you to explain what would have happened with passengers who are not received in Ecuador, as was about to happen with the passengers who arrived on United. If they were returned, the other country they came from should receive them or because they were Ecuadorians they had no obligation to do so..

  7. Excellent. It may or may not apply, but several Cuban citizens are stranded in Ecuador and others in different countries and we are requesting a ferry from our consulates.. Thanks for the input.

  8. They could publish information for medical transport of patients with infectious diseases. Regulation , documentation , etc. Thanks

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