Guide to be an Aviation Mechanic

Guide to be an Aviation Mechanic in Ecuador

The aircraft industryáUtica has many aspects and possibilities for professional development, one of them is to work directly repairing and maintaining airplanes, hereí we leave you the guideíto be a Mecáunique from Aviacón in Ecuador.

Una carrera que te permitirá estar muy cerca de los aviones todos los días, tan cerca que podrás tocarlos y gracias a tu trabajo los vuelos saldrán a tiempo y de manera segura.

No te pierdas los demás especiales sobreGuífor the aspiring Pilot“, to know the different “Pilot Schools in Ecuador”, cómo “Get a job as a Pilot“ and the “Guía para ser Tripulante de Cabina.

¿Cómo ser Mecáunique from Aviacón?

Paso 1 – Métodos de Obtención de licencia de mecánico Aeronáuseful

Existen dos maneras para convertirse en mecánico de aviación certificado por la DGAC.

La primer forma es por experiencia práctica en la cual el aspirante debe demostrar con documentación una experiencia mínima de 2 años en tareas de mantenimiento en aeronaves o  componentes de aeronaves para una habilitacióno and 3 años para las dos habilitaciones (célula y motor).

La segunda forma es presentar un certificado aprobatorio otorgado por un centro de instrucción berriesáutica civil certificado bajo la RDAC 147, in our país the único centro  certificado se encuentra en la ciudad de Latacunga bajo el nombre de UGT ESPE más conocido por su anterior nombre ITSA.

Este centro es una universidad que entrega  the títulos de Tecnólogo en Mecánica Aeronáutica con mención Aviones o Motores con una duración of 6 semesters. Which must be attached along with other papers required by the DGAC, es muy importante que el aspirante conozca que por este medio se obtiene una sola habilitación por lo cual, para obtener su segunda habilitación, el aspirante debe demostrar  From  añthose of experience  práctica adicionales que contaran a partir de la fecha de obtención de la primer licencia.

noteworthy, que la DGAC permite úonly 25 students per course, esto quiere decir que podrían ser 25 for motors and 25 for aircraft.

Paso 2 – Documents to Present

Actualmente la DGAC cuenta con un sistema informático llamado SIPA, en el cual el aspirante ingresa toda la documentación que la Autoridad exija y adicionalmente, se debe realizar un deposito por el costo del trámite y la especie de la licencia .

Una vez que un inspector revise la documentación y compruebe que todo está en regla, se procede al siguiente paso que son los exámenes a presentar, if the inspector finds that the applicant does not meet the requirements, este puede poner fin al trámite.

Paso 3 – Exáis meant

Los primeros exámenes que se realizan, son los exámenes teórich, which are taken from a question bank of a book made by the DGAC which can be purchased at its facilities.

In total they are 3 exámenes teórich:

  • Practicas estáSeparated (250 Questions)
  • Fuselage ( 500 questions)
  • engines (1000 questions)

Los exámenes a realizar depende de las habilitaciones que el aspirante desea obtener, es decir que si solo se aplica para la licencia de fuselaje se tomarían los exámenes de prácticas estándar y fuselaje, si aplica para la habilitación de motor propulsor se tomarían los exámenes de prácticas estándar y motor, y si el solicitante aplica para la licencia completa deberá rendir el examen de prácticas estáSeparated, fuselage and engines.

Una vez aprobado estos exámenes a continuación se debe realizar un examen oral con un inspector de aeronavegabilidad, el cual es una entrevista donde el inspector realiza una serie de preguntas de un temario que el mismo le entregará para su preparación.

After passing the oral exam, should beá presentar un examen práctico con un inspector de aeronavegabilidad, el cual se tomara junto a una aeronave y el solicitante deberá demostrar los conocimientos que el inspector le solicite

Requisitos para ser Mecáunique from Aviacón


  1. Tener una edad mínima de dieciocho (18) añyou old;
  2. Acreditar haber culminado la enseñanza media o equivalente;
  3. be able to read, speak, to write, understand and interpret the language of the licensing State;
  4. Haber aprobado los exámenes prescritos en las Secciones 65.405 and 65.420; and
  5. Cumplir con las secciones de este capítulo que correspondan a la habilitación a la cual postula



Al momento no existen requisitos médicos

¿Cuánto cuesta ser Mecáunique from Aviacón?

At the moment the race is free, since it is taught by a public university (ESPE). The total cost of the degree is defined by each student when choosing the lifestyle, That is, how much do you plan to pay for rent?, alimentación, among others.

Admission to the University of the Armed Forces – ESPE se realiza a través del SENESCYT.

On the other hand, la licencia completa de Mecáunique from Aviacón tiene un valor de $500 dólares aproximadamente.

¿Cuánto gana un/a Mecáunique from Aviacón?

Depende mucho de dónde trabajas. as examples:

  • Assistant: $600.
  • Mecánico: $900 – $1.600
  • Superviso: $2.000 – $3.000
  • Maintenance manager: $4.000+

must indicate, that while you do not have a license and do the job training you do not receive a salary, y según el lugar de trabajo, couldían cubrir alimentación o arriendo.

¿It is fácil convertirse y ser Mecáunique from Aviacón?

As everything in life, requires effort and sacrifice. Si ser mecánico de aviones es tu pasión, there will not beá nada que te detenga. Es una profesión muy satisfactoria, lleno de retos y se aprende mucho todos los días.

No hay nada como estar todos los días junto a los aviones, touch them and make sure they fly with the highest safety that the industry demands.

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46 thoughts on “Guide to be an Aviation Mechanic in Ecuador”

  1. Madian Rodriguez


  2. Best regards, my question is if you already have 2 Technologies one in automotive mechanics and another in automotive electromechanics to be able to apply !?

  3. Nicholas Larenas hello, I have the title of aeronautical technician but I am a foreigner , My title is issued from an aviation military school, No problem , I have level 5 in maintenance and crew of the y8f200w and hercules c-130hv systems .
    I have experience from 2011 al 2018 as an aeronautical technician.
    How can I choose or apply for a job I am located in Quito 0995224093 and I have residence

  4. Buenas tardes, I had heard a question many times that as an aeronautical mechanic in Ecuador you can apply to the army with that title to work as a specialist, that is correct. ?

  5. Daniel Rodrigo Fuentes

    Dear Nicolás, I am a maintenance technician., I am Ecuadorian and I have relatives in Italy I want to travel there and try to validate my license, maybe you know where I can find information about the requirements for that.
    Thanks a lot, Cheers

  6. Hello Nicholas Larenas, I saw this blog of an airplane mechanic guide. I am about to finish my degree in Automotive Mechanics but once I saw a video about aircraft mechanics and I loved it in the same way and I would like to know if I can take courses with my degree to get a license in aviation and thus work in this beautiful industry. Greetings from Quito and a lot of strength and health for you and your family

  7. hello, I am a bit lost, with this of the applications I saw the career of aeronautical mechanics, this merges with the FAE or I can take it as a civilian ? On the other hand, this is my second degree. I would study technology. How easy is it to get a job as soon as I graduate that allows me to live well and not with a salary of 300 400 Dollars ?

  8. How about Nicolas and you? Would you recommend continuing your studies and pursuing aeronautical engineering, since the University of the Armed Forces ESPE has an agreement in Ukraine at the University of Kiv, which the technologist can compete with in subjects and get your engineering? You would personally recommend studying an ing to come and play it in Ecuador

      1. So if following aeronautical engineering would not be so favorable here in Ecuador, you as a professional would recommend that you still graduated from the university with a degree in aeronautical mechanics, some favorable specialization that you know, it would be great if you talked about aeronautical engineering in Ecuador at some point. delivery blessings very good your website

  9. Greetings, you can be an aeronautical mechanic and work on your own, without having a direct relationship with the company that hired me?

  10. To access the quota in the espe apart from being approved by the senescyt, it is necessary to be military personnel or something similar ?
    Thanks in advance.

  11. Good day, I would like to know how to homologate or validate the aircraft maintenance license. I am TMA in the fuselage, but I have 10 years of experience in avionics ,instrumentation,I am in Ecuador I am already processing the visa who can help me with information I would like to exercise

  12. Good evening, I was confused by a question in the last part that says that it must be approved with the Senecyt test.
    o lic lic costara 500$
    then it would cost me 500$ if I don't take the senecyt test so that the course is free ?

      1. In response to this conversation, that is, only the Senecyt exam is given; It is obviously approved and the interested party can automatically pay for the license and the preparation that it costs $500 Or do you have to follow the 6 semesters at ITSA and then apply for license ?

  13. Good being a mechanic with experience of 17 years in overhaul of piston engines being from another country and I want to open a workshop in Ecuador doing the exam I will be granted permission to work

  14. If you are a mechanic with 2 decades of experience in military aviation. How do you do to enable yourself in Airbus, Boeing o Embraer, if the training is only given to their employees? Here the big question…How do you ask for a job IF only your experience briefcase accompanies you??

  15. Grateful Nicolas Larenas and Mao. consider. Tomorrow I will be in contact with you, for the moment I am without a phone.

  16. I am an engineer, aeronautical technician and instructor with 26 years old and 10 years of experience in the aeronautical field with a license in: TMA II fuselage WITH ENABLING in jet engines and TMA I avionics. And I am from a beautiful country plunged into a Political-Social-Health-Economic disaster! Venezuela. In short, I would just like to be guided to work in Ecuador in this beautifully demanding field..

    1. We are from a corporation where mechanics classes are given, you can write to 0996017604 so that you start giving classes and there you get to know and guide yourself to what you are

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