resumption of commercial flights ecuador international national domestic

Dates of resumption of commercial passenger flights in Ecuador

In this installment we review the definitive dates of reanudación de los vuelos comerciales regular passengers in the Ecuadorian airports.

Afterés of various díace of uncertainty within the industry, as wellén para los usuario que esperan poder viajar por diferentes motivos dentro y fuera del país, Eastá definido el reinicio de los vuelos comerciales, que como sabemos tendrán one very limited demand in its restart.

Dates for the restart of commercial flights in Ecuador

After finally agreeing to restart commercial flights at the different airports in Ecuador, el COE Nacional ha publicado la información al respecto desde qué fechas inician los vuelos en los diferentes aeropuertos del país con el 30% de las frecuencias asignadas de cada aerolínea:

  • Quito airport: 
    • International flights from 1 June 2020.
    • Sun flightséstics from the 1 June 2020.
  • Guayaquil airport: 
    • International flights from 1 June 2020.
    • Sun flightséstics from the 15 June 2020.
  • Rest of airports in Ecuador
    • International flights (Blanket and Tin) from the 1 June 2020.
    • Sun flightséstics from the 1 June 2020.

Como bien recordarán, the 22 May 2020 el Gobierno había confirmado que todos los vuelos y todos los aeropuertos del país abrirían su operación a vuelos regulares de pasajeros desde el 1 de junio de este añO, pero desde la ciudad de Guayaquil se solicitó se aplace el reinicio de los vuelos domésticos para el 30 of June, mientras que sí se aprobaba los vuelos internacionales desde el primero de dicho mes.

In this context, autoridades municipales y de gobierno acordaron que Guayaquil tendrá un inicio aplazado de los vuelos domésticos para el 15 June 2020 e internacionales igual que al resto del país.


Equally, se aprobaron los protocolos para la operación de estos vuelos y la llegada de sus respectivos pasajeros según detalla la Resolución of the National COE:

International flights

  • Todos los viajeros que lleguen al país dutyán realizar APO (Obligatory preventive isolation) manteniendo los protocolos aplicados para vuelos de repatriación, unless,
  • have a PCR test carried out abroad and that is valid for 72 hours before the trip. En este caso podrán realizar el APO en sus hogares.
  • Los Consulados publicarán una lista de los países donde sí se puede realizar las pruebas PCR, cost and place.
  • It will be possibleán suspender vuelos directos o con escalas desde países específicos que mantengan un alto nivel de contagio como es el caso de Brasil.

Sun flightséstatic

  • No se permitirá abordar los aviones pasajeros que presenten síntomas relacionados al COVID-19, para lo cual se realizará triage en los aeropuertos a nivel nacional.
  • Para los vuelos domésticos no se indicaron requisitos adicionales entre provincias por vía aérea, although some municipalities could carry out random PCR tests on passengers on these flights.
  • Galáduty paymentsá informar sobre los protocolos para el reinicio de vuelos desde el continente.

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34 thoughts on “Dates of resumption of commercial passenger flights in Ecuador”

  1. MAGALIS villarreal

    Buenas tardes, What is the complexion that foreigners have to fill to enter Ecuador?.
    What page can I find it on?.


    Magalis Villarreal

  2. Ask…my mother arrives at 12 at night to the Guayaquil airport is precisely at curfew, What should I do to go pick her up?,

  3. Harry Herrera

    Thanks for the information. I have a flight on Gol to Sao Paulo at the end of July. Believe that I can fly? If you cannot do so, what would be the best alternative to request a refund or reschedule for next year??

  4. in case you can go to the airport to pick me up, You need some document or something to be authorized to circulate without problem? or what you should say if you are detained by the authorities?

  5. I work for a company with stores in JJ Olmedo, and we have inter flights only from 3 of June, Jetblue, American and the other airline escapes me are the only ones that are going to fly and will be 2 O 3 Daily flights, only at night,Today I was at the airport and the biosecurity measures provide a safe environment

  6. you take fields

    Hello, and those of us who have to return to our countries of residence, how should we do and when do they start?

  7. Fausto Martin Quito Velicela

    The NJ consulate does not answer the call, please indicate a place for the covid exam 19 PCR

  8. The news is certain that passengers arriving from abroad with a PCR test will be able to do the APO at their homes, even if it is in another province.?

  9. Very good afternoon gentlemen.
    I am a person who arrived Ecuador the day 16 Ultra Air made its inaugural flight in Colombia and thus becomes the ninth regular airline in the country, and because of what is happening I have not been able to return to Barcelona Spain.
    My question when I leave Ecuador for Spain, do I have to take a test on the convid 19?

  10. In case of carrying out APO in a hotel, Should the cost be assumed in its entirety by the passenger??, How long will this measure be in effect??

      1. The cost of all tourist accommodation is similar. How is that possible? Quarantine should not be carried out in an isolated place, free and secure, for instance, in health or military departments?

  11. According to Avianca, they do not yet have any decree on international flights allowed in Ecuador and that is why flights cannot be scheduled close to June. I am still uncertain about being able to return to my country.

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