what will happen when commercial flights resume world latin america ecuador world coronavirus covid -19

What can we expect once commercial flights resume?

En esta entrega repasamos qué es lo que podemos esperar una vez que se resume commercial flights en los diferentes países of the world.

Algunas países like Panamaá han informado una nueva fecha tentativa para fines de junio mientras que otros como Ecuador indicated that since 1 June 2020 commercial passenger flights are restarted, The interesting thing about both ads is the different reactions of people to the news..

Si bien la mayoría de reacciones son positivas, a significant segment of society has reacted negatively to these announcements, alertando según ellos, in a possible risk of new cases of COVID-19 llegando en los aviones o contagiándose en los mismos por la gran cantidad de pasajeros.

¿Whaté marketá when commercial flights resume?

As well, I looked likeó importante crear este espacio para aclarar algunas de las dudas, of people who have seen this as negative, have commented.

Hay que indicar que las dudas y puntos de vista de todos son altamente respetadas y son válidas, pero la idea aquí es aclarar algunos puntos que podrían venir de falta de información ante lo que pasará when commercial flights resume.

Hornbeamán los mismos vuelos de siempre llegando miles de personas al día

Esto no será así, cuando se reanuden los vuelos comerciales en cualquier país del mundo lo que veremos será justamente lo contrario y veremos muchísimos menos frecuencias de vuelos e incluso aviones de menor capacidad que se ajusten a la demanda que será muy baja cuando los vuelos se reinicien, tal como hemos visto en los estimados de las aerolíneas para volver a volar hacia Latinoamérica.

I couldán llegar miles de personas al día, sí, but beá muy diferente a lo que fue hasta febrero de 2020, la demanda a nivel mundial ha caído en más of the 90%, por lo que grandes mercados podrán ver miles de pasajeros diarios, but not on the massive level that it was previously.

Proyecciones para los mercados doméstatic, que deben ser los primeros en abrirse hablan de un promedio de ocupación que apenas llegaría al 20% per flight, lo que representaríthe assistantún the grandfatherón a apenas 30 arrival and departure people.

Los vuelos vendrán repletos y se generarán contagios

I couldán haber algunos destinos que son de mucha demanda como vuelos desde y hacia Estados Unidos que podrían tener una ocupación considerable, but beán casos específicos y recuerden la baja de la demanda y protocolos actuales serán temporales hasta que se estimule nuevamente la industria de viajes.

The second part of the question, the IATA ha sido muy enfática en resaltar que los aviones son lugares de una alta asepsia, first by medidas adicionales de desinfección que las aerolíneas han implementado and second, because the air that is breathed inside is recycled and passed through the HEPA filters that retain the 99% the virus.

Han habido decenas de casos que pasaremos contagiados que han volado y no se ha generado ningún contagio relacionado, gracias al uso de medidas de protección personales de ellos y del resto de pasajeros. Remember that contagion can occur through direct contact with drops or fluids expelled by the infected person, not just from sitting next to someone else.

El tema del aire en los aviones es altamente polémico y genera muchas dudas, pero en un ambiente tan controlado es más complejo ir al supermercado, be on the street, a bus or a taxi.

¿Cómo se garantizará el distanciamiento social en los aviones?

let's go by parts, primero los vuelos no vendrán repletos. Así como no veremos el mismo número de frecuencias, tampoco veremos el mismo número de pasajeros en los vuelos, con la caída de la demanda por temor o por temas económonkeys, los vuelos no vendrán llenos lo que generará a “distanciamiento social orgánico” inside planes for a while.

For when the demand takes off again, seguiremos usando las medidas básicas recomendadas:

  • Distancing in check-in processes, embarkation and disembarkation.
  • Use of face masks throughout the flight and within airports.
  • Temperature control at departure and arrival.
  • Embarque y desembarque con mínimo contacto.
  • Limited movement within the cabin.
  • Eliminación de servicio abordo o que este sea sellado.

¿Tienes alguna otra duda sobre cómo será fly again?

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13 thoughts on “What can we expect once commercial flights resume?”

  1. And you can travel from Colombia to Guayaquil??? land route?? Ecuador does have its airport open to Mexico!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INFORMATION, I HAVE A DESPERATE PERSON IN COLOMBIA TO GET OUT!!

  2. How can I leave Colombia??? I can now travel by land or air??? And from there fly to Mexico!!! Thank you I await your answer

  3. That there are return flights to their countries of origin without return since there are many who want to return and they are not pleasure trips that they should resume for now

    1. I agree with you friend…If I had in my country I would think the same…but they have to let foreigners go to their countries of origin…and let the Argentines of origin enter…

  4. This comment seems very accurate to reality., For example, in my case, I am waiting to reschedule my return flight to my home in Honduras., and likewise there will be several similar cases, desperate to return.

  5. They must fly with more controls and they are using chinstraps. I think it will be the same as flying like in February with a little more caution and that the deepest cleaning in the aircraft be done

  6. Pamela Sotomayor

    The largest influx of passengers are those who still need to return to their homes, that it will be a month at most and it is estimated that once that has passed , demand will already be very low in the remainder of the year.

  7. Joe D. Jacome

    Good morning ,my dear friend this year, I don't think we're going to see flights
    full , and families coming to Orlando to visit its theme parks , and the
    sadness of the children of not being able to travel with daddy and mommy to Miami or any
    another vacation spot, I am more sorry for the children, they are not to blame
    nothing of what we are living.
    I have worked for the last 40 years as an international representative of
    sales, traveling from Miami Fla to many places in my beloved Latin America
    that I love so much, because we are a beautiful race in culture, landscapes and
    We also share practically the same customs, the good and the

    Nicolas, Miami Intl airport is closed! two months ago, the only ones
    planes, departing or landing are freighters or humanitarian flights, Nothing but!
    so that story of wanting to go traveling, it's a utopia , for now there is nothing
    it's a story , This government doesn't want anyone coming here., we have infected
    which is increasing every day! of course they don't say so please don't
    excite people,we do business virtually, missed
    my faithful and clients and friends, and the meetings to celebrate a good deal, but
    that is closed for now, So let's ask the Lord to help us in these
    pandemic moments, and hopefully it stops to stop seeing so many innocent people
    die, my best wishes to you and your family, and for all our loved ones
    paise,Let's keep fighting and supporting those HEROES who are working on
    the medical front, nurses , police, rescuers etc etc.

    1. look friend…it is worrying, but more worrying is the thousands of foreigners who are stranded here without being able to get out, we no longer have to bank 3 more months here, Argentine airlines drew up a travel protocol and says that it is very safe to travel by plane taking their measurements, they say what's up 22 a thousand people who despatriated only lived 3 contagious…so we need to go back to our countries…We are thousands of foreigners stranded here in Argentina…How are there thousands of Argentines who want to return to their country with their family?…you don't know how sad it has been to go through 70 days locked up having his family away or how we resolve to eat or anything…so please…

  8. The temperature control before entering the airport and before entering the plane seems very good to me and that no food is given on the plane That is what my aunt and friend relived in United airline. It was a very pleasant and safe flight with a mask and gloves. And when they got to Ecuador they did the same routine.
    Here in the ?? They are selling flight tickets according to the health measures and it seems very good to me and also that there is a place for people who can return to their countries.

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