excursion runway aviation aircraft runways taxiway accident incident

The trail excursion

Today we will talk about the tripón runway in aviationón o más comúcommonly known as “runway exit” of the planes. Alan Tangcawan/AFP's photo.

Safety will always beá priority for the industryérea, but in this sense, Despite the great efforts by all the actors to avoid accidents or incidents, These events are not unrelated to the thousands of daily operations that take place around the world..

Are youí there is no shortage of news where we see an avión that came outó from the runway either taking off or landing. This event téaviation technicianóIt is not known as an excursionótrack number. ¿From whaté it is about? ¿Becauseé happens? This and many other concerns I tell you in this special delivery.

tripórunway number in aviationón

First thing's first, let's review the definitionón official of the OACI – Organizationón of Aviationón Civil International about this event:

  • A detourío o exit off the runway surface.
  • An incident involving sóit to just one ancestorón, where he makes an inappropriate exit from the track.

further, the FAA says the following:

These surface events occur while an aircraft is taking off or landing and involve many factors ranging from unstable approaches to the conditionótrack number.

Are youí How can we determine that an excursionórunway n is the event where an aircraftón suffers a deviantíor abnormal route ending outside the límites of the landing strip or even, Taxiway. In this sense, it is important to indicate thatún the severity of the event, this one tooécan not be considered an accident.

¿Becauseé if from an excursión?

  • An aircraft fails to take off or aborts takeoff before reaching the end of the designated runway.
  • A landing aircraft may not stop before reaching the end of the designated runway..
  • An aircraft taking off, aborts takeoff or lands and overshoots designated runway side.

Causes of an excursionón in takeoff

There are endless possibilities that these events can generate., where they stand out:

  • Aircraft not configured correctly (trim,flaps)
  • Parámeters wrong on takeoff as speed, power, takeoff weight.
  • Do not use the entire length of the track.
  • Take off from unauthorized area such as a taxiway.

Causes of an excursionón on landing

  • Aircraft not configured correctly (trim,flaps)
  • Speeding due to track conditions.
  • limited visibility. storms theéctrics, conditions (IMC), wind, wind shear, ráwind gusts and formation conditionsón of ice.
  • Contaminated or wet runway.
  • Tailwind.
  • top of wheel past the area determined to do so.

The human factor

A very important point about runway excursions comes from the human factor and errors that are generated in the operation.ón on the part of pilots O control of tránsito aéreo.

For instance, the crewóflight n does not execute an approachón frustrated or gone into the air laterés of the approach requirementsón speed deviations are not met, vertical u horizontal.

Equally, On the controllers' side, mistakes can be determined.ón in the instructions or failure to provide informationócomplete or updated track conditions to the crewóflight number.

I was thrown out by the impact of the laótrack number

These events have several consequences when they are generated.:

  • Péloss of life
  • Andñyou to the property
  • Airport or runway closed
  • Desvíor flights
  • Aerosol imageínea and even airport deteriorated.
  • Péloss of income for aero actorsáuticos.

What the industry is doing to reduce these events

Being that the 97% of accidents on the track were caused by excursions and that 30 excursions toñor are they from commercial airplanes, The industry continues to work to reduce these incidents to avoid damage.ñThe materials and possible péhuman losses.

Prevention strategiesón cover five áreas: operationóflight number, guestsón of tráI'm theéreo, airport operators, manufacturers of aircraft and regulators.

Minimize risk with dedicated training for these events, Standard Operating Procedures, informationón and technologyíThey seek to reduce the índice de generationón of excursions unifying theástandards to reduce human error or lack of informationón real or updated in the cockpit.

However, we have reviewed several topics regarding a situation.ón complicated for securityéarea and that represents a risk, This topic is complex and much máIt's extensive than what we have discussed in this installment, where we wanted to give a first context, so to look forá one peróyou deliver deepen aún más these topics técynical.

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2 thoughts on “The trail excursion”


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