Tame problems on the Quito route - New York

Tame's problems on the Quito route – New York

Haremos un análisis de los problemas de Tame en la ruta Quito – New York, that are owed among others, a los mantenimientos no programados de su avión Airbus A330.

El Airbus A330 con matríHC-COH cylinder, núMSN serial grouper 348, arrivedó to aerolíflag of Ecuador the 9 July 2013, at that time with the aim of starting the route from the Guayaquil airport towards New York (desde que llegó a Ecuador esta ruta cambió 2 times between Quito and Guayaquil=.

With 18 años al servicio desde su vuelo inicial (su primer y único operador anterior fue Emirates), ha generado en más de una oportunidad varios problemas para la aerolístate line, que es la más importante de Ecuador. It should be noted that age is not a real factor in these problems..

have been accounted for at least, 10 suspensiones en la única ruta regular que opera el avión más grande de Tame. Estas cancelaciones se han dado por problemas meteorológicos que normalmente se dan en el Aeropuerto Internacional John F. Kennedy how are blizzards, hurricanes and others, which don't tienen atribución to the airínea.

Pero otro sí, How have the already known unscheduled maintenance been?.

¿Whaté es un mantenimiento no programado?

Como a cualquier persona que sale de su casa y se queda sin batería o se le baja una llanta, los aviones no están exentos de situaciones similares, pero en un entorno mucho más complex.

Tame, like all aerosolsídenies, complies with violas isándares de mantenimiento, where every certain hours or cycles imposed in the manufacturer's manual, the grandfatherón debe ser sometido a varias revisiones y cambios de materiales.

These are scheduled maintenance, pero cualquier día los miles de componentes, pieces, parts, engines, screens, systems, etc. can fail without warning, per más riguroso mantenimiento diario que se realice.

Sayún el tipo de mantenimiento no programado, este puede se resuelto en cuestión of minutes, horas o hasta días, si por ejemplo este fallo requiere de un nuevo repuesto que no está disponible en el país y debe ser transportado desde el extranjero, with the respective times and costs.

There are simple failures like changing a tire, but other complexes like changing an entire engine, that cannot be done at any airport and requires a specialized workshop, todo esto son días de afectación a las operaciones.

All Aerolsíneas sufren de cientos de mantenimientos no programados al día, pero Tame es más sensible a estos problemas por contar con un solo avión for this route. Many times, users do not even know about these situations, given that for example, grandes aerolíneas tienen un avión de backup listo para estas situaciones, generando baja afectación al usuario.


as we indicate, Tame tiene un solo avión de este modelo, so you don't have an immediate backup when problems occur, al menos no al dífrom today.

Every time the A330 HC-COH remains AOG – Aircraft On Ground, for whatever reasons, those affected are obviously the hundreds of users.

Asumiendo que el avión en cada vuelo está a su máxima capacidad que son 278 passengers in two classes, estamos hablando que por cada día que pasa cancelada la ruta entre Quito a New York, 556 passengers are affected.

At the beginning of the month of September 2018, another of these unscheduled maintenance occurred, esta cancelación duró 6 días, más de 2.800 affected passengers, los cuales tienen muy pocas opciones para poder cumplir su vuelo y la aerolínea tenderá que proteger y compensar a cada uno de ellos.

Las alternativas que se podrían manejar son las siguientes, but contrasted to the reality of Tame:

  • Ship Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft: esta estrategia la realizó Tame en algunas oportunidades entre el 2015 and 2016 cuando tenía 17 planes in your fleet. on those occasions 2 aviones de estos modelos tenían que cubrir la ruta diariamente, with high costs, que se incrementaban por la escala adicional debido a la autonomía de las aeronaves. Al dífrom today, Tame no tiene la holgura en su flota como tenía en ese entonces, por lo que no es una opción hoy con 10 active aircraft.
  • Enviar pasajeros en otras aerolídenies: suena la opción más práctic, but being something unscheduled, finding seats for so many passengers is practically impossible. Además, flights to última hora son máIt's expensive, lo que representaría mayor gasto para la aerolínea. other factor, if they were able to find some places, series for the benefit of few, generating claim in affected passengers, better for everyone to stay on land than for a few to travel.
  • Arrendar temporalmente otro avión: in papers, to beía una de las mejores opciones, pero encontrar un avión de las mismas características y disponible de manera inmediata es muy difícil. other factor, is that many times, los mantenimientos programados no duran más que un par de días y pagar por un arriendo corto es un gasto demasiado alto.
  • Tener otro avión gemelo de backupthis is the best without a doubt, pero este avión no puede estar parado en tierra, since airplanes must produce to be able to pay their operating costs. En algún moment, Tame tendrá que arrendar un segundo Airbus A330 y no solo como un plan B ante contingencias en esta ruta, but as a new income to put it to fly to profitable destinations, how canía ser un destino en Europa, pero esto no se dará hasta que Tame realice los estudios del caso para una operación transatláancient.
  • Expect: usually, the best optionón es esperar a que se cumpla el mantenimiento no programado, since the other alternatives are complex.

As you can see, the outlook is complex for Tame on this route when there are inconveniences, ninguna de las opciones es inmediata y en la mayoría de mantenimientos no programados que ha tenido, the best optionón es esperar, since generally, they are short.

Estos eventos pueden pasar en cualquier momento y a cualquier aerolínea.

¿Follow, continueá en la flota el HC-COH?

Time agoás, Ignacio Vallejo indicó en esta entrevista https://www.nlarenas.com/2018/02/entrevista-planes-tame-volver-despegar/, que se analizará la renovationón o no del contrato de esta aeronave.

En esa misma entrevista se pudo conocer que el leasing o arriendo de este Airbus A330 terminaría este añO, pero revisando los documentos de acceso público de la aerolínea, His contract ends in July 2019, faltando aún 9 months.

The monthly rental of the HC-COH has a cost of $395.000, más gastos de mantenimiento y otros.

Spaghettién, in the same interview, metó the to intendón de Tame de incorporar otro avión del modelo 330, que serviría tanto como backup, as to open a new long-haul route, what couldía ser algún destino por confirmar en Europa.

for himñO 2019 spaghettién termina el contrato de los aviones Airbus 320HC-CID, HC-COE, HC-CPB y Embraer 190 HC-COY, of which only the Embraer 190 to beía renovado el contrato y los Airbus 320 returnían a sus dueños, implicando la incorporación of airplanes más nuevos a la flota de Tame durante el próximo añO.

This highly demanded route, definitely, requires a plan B, Surely Tame has studied it and plans to execute it in the medium term for the benefit of its national and international image.

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9 thoughts on “Tame's problems on the Quito route – New York”

  1. Guillermo is that the delicate financial situation that TAME is going through is one of the reasons for his service., Possibly it will improve when it comes out of its red numbers and there there are tangible improvements offering a competitive service.

    me too in 2016 I traveled from Quito on an internal flight and not even a glass of water was served on board. So we have to wait for their situation to improve.… All the best.

  2. The issue is that companies like Copa Avianca, JetBlue, American United and Delta are better airlines and they charge you much less and provide better service..
    I travel a lot to the United States, especially NYC and never in Tame.

  3. That's right, Nicolás, but I think that a B767-300ER would almost always fill up before an Airbus A330-200 at current demand.. An A330-200 with a unique configuration takes up to 406 passengers and a B767-300ER to 350 passengers, Sure, it all depends on the configuration that is given. now of course, in the long run a large aircraft like the A330-200 is better if the % occupation is adequate and is growing, I also know that the A330 is an aircraft with better features and size for intercontinental flights but for TAME a backup could use an A321 Neo (until 220 passengers) o B767-300ER, enough for NYC.

  4. One more aspect to point out Nicolás, the disastrous previous government did not do a proper market analysis to choose the A330-200 equipment for TAME. It was said that the occupancy rate between Quito, Guayaquil to New York was less than 70% and in terms of profitability the Airbus A330-200 was not suitable, suddenly a smaller plane like the Boeing 767-300ER would have been better and today I don't know if the occupation is the minimum necessary… I understand that TAME has invested in training its pilots for Airbus aircraft., however profitability is what counts in the end.

    Maybe TAME should operate Airbus A321 aircraft the biggest of the A320 family since there is no other Airbus between the A320 and A332.

  5. Nicolas, I have wondered how profitable is for Tame the flights to the USA? Because as you indicate, Tame has changed 2 times the itineraries for JFK, (I don't know if it's a daily flight to New York now) and I know that FLL did not do very well and canceled its flights from Quito (It was not clear to me if they were traveling at the same time from GYE, or if they just changed), but I would be interested to know what the occupancy rates are and if they are currently profitable routes, Well, acquiring another plane that is long-range like the A330 seems to me to be wrong.. In theory, the distance range from Quito to New York is within the range of the A320s, and unless they are from the first generations, I think it would be more accurate to use only one type of aircraft, as is the example of Cup. There is a lot that I have analyzed about Tame, but if you can give me this data it would be great.

    1. Hello david, I don't have that exact information. Although some time ago one of the General Managers, I don't remember which one, indicated that on the route to JFK they lost millions every month. About FLL, from Quito they were doing very well and they did operate at the same time from GYE, but when JetBlue arrived in Quito, they closed the route that same day, it was not because they were doing badly, otherwise, for not risking competing.

      in papers, the A320 is in range, but you have to add the height factor and with full load you have to make a technical stop.

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