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Aircraft contrails are not chemtrails

In this special installment we will talk about the stelae of the planes, which are not chemtrails or trails thatímicas as some conspiracies indicate.

A lots of Myths and legends have circulated on the Internet for a long timeñwhat abouté They are those mysterious traces left by many of the aircraft that día a díthey pass over our heads, some leave a white trail and some don't, hereí We will explain everything you need to know about this topic.

Plane trails or misnamed chemtrails

First we must know that what the planes leave and that come out of their engines is a wake, which is not always generated and which does not always have the same sizeño o thicker.

It is “mysterious” white trail in simple words called contrailón, it is not Más that frozen water vapor, It is not fuel or much less trails thatímicas that “our isán poisoning”.

These contrails form when hot water coming from the engine exhaust mixes with cold air.ío y húaverage of atmóball, it condenses and freezes into ice crystals. The contrails are actually a type of cloud of the cirrus type.

Durante a día fríO, expel air through your mouth and seeás steam generated, It's the same principle báphysical.

In certain situations if the air isá h enoughúmedo and fríO, trails can stay around for a long time and, sometimes due to variations in directionón of the wind, we can see how these get bigger in the air.

Even, it's hayóless caníto help predict the weather, since a thin and short-lived wakeón indicates low humidity air at high altitude, a sign of good weather, while a thick and long-lasting trailón reflects air húoccurs at high altitudes and can be an early indicator of a storm.

¿Cuándo are generated?

The biggestía of the cases of stelae occur, as we already indicated, when wet and cold conditionsíor they get together, but these cases occur on 25 thousand feet altitude or higher.

Some planes leaveán wake and others don't, This is generally due to the different altitude that these areén flying, as wellén by the different types of engines on the market.

Spaghettién, couldídue to the fact that airplanes, así fly at the same flight level, but in different areas, couldíeven found in areas of dry air or húfear, where only in the second case will it be generatedán the stelae and can eveníWe love to see trails generated abruptly, as wellén cut off and reappear due to changes in temperature and humidity.

The conspiracyón of the chemtrails or contrails thatímicas

While it is true, just like a car or bus, the airplanes pollute the environment with ofócarbon dioxide, ósulfur and nitr oxidesógeno, unburned fuel, hollín y partículas metáface, these are not whatímonkeys destined to poison us, make it stop raining by controlling the weather, generate sterility or give us cáncer.

chemtrail button chemtrail button does not exist
It's botón does not exist on airplanes.

Taking into account the variable and complex nature of ATMósphere where winds and turbulence make it unpredictable, for which governments, companies or airlinesíthey would like “fumigate us”, go cácalculations and possibilities of knowingónde and cuámaking these assumptions thatímonkeys fallíthey are over the populationón, make this situationón unlikely or even impossible, worse at high altitudes.

The reality is that the white trails left by airplanes are not máI know that a reactionón that is generated between something fríor and hot as we already saw, so the próMaybe you see a stele, rest assured that that avión isá passing through a very h areaúmeda and fría, while when you see an avión and do not leave a trail, este isá passing through a not so cold areaía and dry or this is notá flying at high altitude.

In some spaceséaccused mácongested and withún see many clouds or trails that even cross each otherí, and this is due to the different routes toéareas or aerovías that produces endless streaks in the sky.

*With inform usón of

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