new airline EC Plus Airline

The new airline EC Plus Airline is born in Ecuador

The new aerosolínea EC Plus Airline quiere despegar en Ecuador y ha solicitado el permiso para operar vuelos doméregular statics In the país.

A new project of aerolíecuadorian nea ha empezado a tomar forma y está dando sus primeros pasos para poder iniciar operaciones. Dentro de este marco y dentro del largo proceso que significa crear una aerolínea y sobre todo, get it off the ground, la empresa ECQUATOR AIRLINE S.A con su nombre comercial EC Plus Airline ha dado su primer paso solicitando ante el Consejo Nacional de Aviación Civil – CNAC, a través de su representante legal, el permiso de operación para rutas doméstatic, which was already authorized:

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On the approved application, EC Plus Airlines solicita se le otorgue el permiso de operación for performanceón of the transport service toéreo, público, doméstic, regular, passenger, combined cargo and mail throughout the Ecuadorian continental territory, to exceptón de la Región Insular de Galápaid.

the airínea dentro de las primeras rutas y frecuencias solicitadas están las siguientes:

  • Manta – Quito – Blanket with twelve weekly frequencies.
  • Quito – Guayaquil – Quito  con catorce frecuencias semanales.
  • Quito – Cuenca – Quito with twelve weekly frequencies.

El tipo y clase de aeronave que la aerolínea pretende operar en Ecuador serán los aviones del fabricante Boeing del modelo Boeing 737-700NG, which beán adquiridos bajo el sistema de compra.

Finally, el centro principal de operaciones y mantenimiento de EC Plus Airline estará Located in the Eloy Alfaro International Airport from the city of Manta.

Spaghettién, the airíI do not requestó operar las siguientes rutas interfronterizas, en la que entraríto competeía a competir directamente con Tame EP:

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En la ruta de intregración fronteriza entre Ecuador – Colombia requests to fly between:

  • Manta – Esmeraldas – Cali – Esmeraldas – Blanket with two weekly frequencies.
  • Quito – Esmeraldas – Cali – Esmeraldas – Quito with two weekly frequencies.

El resto de términos como flota a operar se mantienen iguales que al pedido de operación judgementéstic.

The project

Pese a que esta es la primera información pública de las intenciones de esta nueva aerolínea, there are some very interesting points in this application. Uno de ellos es que será the first aerosolínea ecuatoriana que tenga como base la ciudad de Manta (at least i remember), desde donde iniciará sus operaciones para hacer rutas como Manta – Quito – Guayaquil – Quito – Cuenca – Quito – Manta, what to beá definitely, an operationón diferente a la que estamos acostumbrados.

Spaghettién, to beía la primera aerolínea en operar vuelos domésticos en Ecuador el modelo Boeing 737-700NG, which have a capacity of between 140 a 149 passengers secúin the configurationón, una autonomía básica de 3.900 miles awayúticas y propulsados por dos motores CFM 56-7B26.

Auguramos el mayor de los éxitos a este nuevo proyecto, el cual esperamos que logre despegar para que así no se repita la historia de proyectos como Sudamericana de Aviación, LAC O Aerolíneas del Ecuador AEROEC por nombrar algunas de los añm axisárecent.

Any new informationón a la que pueda tener acceso, la actualizaré como siempre en

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36 thoughts on “The new airline EC Plus Airline is born in Ecuador”

  1. Patricia Yepez

    If the Civil Aviation Authority has already authorized the operations, jobs will be opened in the cabin crew area?? By when do you know please ?? And where will they operate from?? Apparently from Manta as Base of Operations?

    1. Hi Patricia, the authority gave them the operating permit, but they must first obtain their AOC or Air Operator Certificate to be able to start flights and this takes time. About your other questions, They will probably hire staff at some point..

  2. These happy border integrations are only a curtain to be able to transfer the (market) faster and without so many controls, (Ecuador-Colombia) just the most forgotten cities and with less control.?? To another dog with that bone..

  3. Fernando Arcentales

    It's good news, ECUADOR deserves to have a flag airline that represents us, beyond extra airlines you will see that they took advantage of the shortcomings of Ecuadorian airlines and won their routes taking the profits out of the country. I would like to collaborate where can I say apply or send my CV

  4. Hello, how about then, will jobs open for this airline very soon or not?? And where would I have to leave a folder or for that there is still a lack.

      1. Ferdinand Ayala

        There is a Bi-National agreement between Ecuador and Colombia, that establishes border agreements; part of this agreement, is to promote the integration of the northern zone of Ecuador that includes the northern provinces that border with Colombia. Ibarra airport, began this integration with flights to Popayán but the Ibarreña authorities, they left the city without an airport. That is the reason for using Esmeraldas as the departure airport to Colombia., without it being considered an international route, sino interfronteras

  5. Marcelo Medrano

    There is a market for more airlines in the country? Or will TAME stop operating here soon? (bankruptcy) and they will get a piece of that cake ? It will serve to improve the
    Service breaking monopolies of its transnational competitors ?

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