The return of a pilot school to Quito

Afterés de varios años se concretó el regreso de una pilot school a Quito con la llegada de la academia ESAV con la apertura de su base satélite.

The díto thursday 8 august 2019 he concretized himselfó, afterés de lo que fuera el cierre de la escuela de pilotos Icaro Fly Academy en el 2011 and after closing Former Quito Mariscal Sucre Airport, que una empresa dedicada a la instrucción de los futuros aviadores de Ecuador vuelva a operar en la capital de los ecuatorianos.

Aviacionesav o más known as ESAV startó las operaciones en su nueva base satélite, desde donde espera captar a los actuales alumnos y futuros Pilotos quiteños, para que estos reciban instrucción en su propia ciudad, reducing potential costs and travel times to other cities where other schools operate.

They are currently 9 escuelas de Aviación certificadas y avaladas por la Dirección General De Aviación Civilian of Ecuador.


En el Aeropuerto Internacional Mariscal Sucre de Quito se llevó a cabo la inauguración oficial de la nueva base satélite de ESAV ante la presencia del Alcalde de Quito Jorge Yunda Machado, Director General de la Aviación Civil Anyelo Acosta, General Manager of Quiport Andre O'Brian and government authorities officially restarted the operations of a pilot school in Quito, hereí el registro gráfico:

About ESAV

Esta escuela fue fundada en el añO 2009 como centro de instrucción de pilotos con base de operaciones principal en el aeropuerto de Salinas y con base de instrucciones también in Quito.

It currently has 9 aircraft and performs operations in Salinas, Santa Rosa (the más reciente base gracias a la alianza con Alas del Ecuador), Quito y próximly Latacunga.

Fleet ESAV

  • Cinco Cessna C-172: HC-CJG / HC-BMJ/ HC-CKH/ HC-CQS/ HC-CNG
  • Two Cessna C-152: HC-CKI / HC-CQE
  • A Piper PA-23: HC-AKG
  • A Piper PA-44: HC-CRG

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5 thoughts on “The return of a pilot school to Quito”

  1. Dear Nicolas, I would like to consult you on a specific issue, could you help me with your cell phone number?, thank you.

  2. It seems to me a big mistake that an aviation school works in the Quito Airport, in addition to causing air traffic congestion in an airport with limited maneuvering space due to its orography to practice maneuvers for visual flight and for instrument flight that a student pilot needs. mandatory practice to obtain the necessary expertise and requirements to obtain your professional license , the weather conditions, especially in the summer due to the location of the airport, would make it difficult to train new pilots for sure , We are talking about pilots in training, not expert pilots who in some of their publications stated that it is necessary to operate at the Quito airport. , it would be nice to know who are the shareholders of said company , how the certification process was obtained and how convenient it is for the authority to allow a school to operate in Quito the region's leading airport, One of the big problems that the Guayaquil airport has is the schools in an airport with commercial flight traffic., due to performance differences and just traffic priorities , many times you have to wait for several minutes to take off and that is a cost for fuel consumption while a training plane does not have that problem , that are also costs for the
    Students who pay per flight hour , that is, they would pay more or train less, true round business? , aviation must develop but in a responsible manner not be a way to profit only .

    1. Hi Carlos, Thanks for your comment. I will only comment the first, air traffic will not be affected, since it was indicated at the inauguration that they will operate during low traffic hours and flat hours, not in rush hour. of the rest, you could talk directly with the School to clarify your doubts.

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