Air Traffic Ecuador July 2020 flights

About him 110% air traffic grew in Ecuador during July

Sayún stateísticas de la DGAC, During the month of July, the tráI'm theéprisoner in Ecuador I grew upó a 114,03% compared to the month of June 2020.

they mobilized 60.240 passengers in the different commercial operations, in the meantime, el transporte de carga creció en un 52,82%  si lo comparamos con el mismo período. In a mushroomín oficial la autoridad aeronáutica detalló la siguiente información:

Los aeropuertos del Ecuador continúan recuperando progresivamente su actividad tras el impacto causado en el sector por la pandemia del coronavirus.

As reference, at month of June 28.146 passengers se trasladaron vía aérea desde la reapertura de los vuelos comerciales en los aeropuertos el 1 June 2020 y se transportaron 10.499,25  tons métricas en este mismo periodo.

Por las terminales aéreas en julio se transportaron 56.008 passengers nationally and internationally on regular flights, 4.232 passengers on non-scheduled flights and were transported 16.045,43 tons métricas de productos entre carga seca, perishable, flowers and mail, both in regular and non-regular service.

Al momento las aerolíneas que prestan el servicio doméstico regular en Ecuador son: Avianca Ecuador, Latam Ecuador and Regional. Flights are made to and from cities of: Quito, San Cristóbal, Guayaquil, Baltra, Coca, Cuenca, Store, Manta and Santa Rosa.

Mientras que las aerolíneas que prestan el servicio doméstico no regular son: Aerocopter, Aerokashurco, Aeromorona, Aerosangay, Airplanes, Aerosarayaku, connectair, Agroaereo, Netshares, Relief Wings, Tabareo, Amazonía Verde, West  Pacific,  Endecots, Turns off, Ecocopter, Verdusa, Done, and Aeroconexos. Among the main routes are: Macas, Store, Latacunga, Shell, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Coca, Quito, Again, Santa Rosa, Sour Lake, San Cristóbal, Taisha and Baltra.

En el servicio internacional regular las aerolíneas que están operando son: American Airlines, Jetblue, Martinair, DHL, Air Europa, KLM, Spirit, Aeroméxico, United Airlines, Avianca, Líneas Aéreas Suramericanas, More Ultra, Air Europa, Eastern, Qatar, Atlas Air, Latam Cargo, Tampa, Iberia, Mr. Air, Ups. Among the destinations are: Miami, Madrid, Bogotaá, New York, ÁAmsterdam, Panamá, México, The Ádrooling, Fort Lauderdale, panamá, Maastricht, Doha, Río Negro, Dubái, Aguadill y Houston.

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4 thoughts on “About him 110% air traffic grew in Ecuador during July”

  1. Interesting, It would be good to know the variation in the offer by route compared to last year, There you would see how passenger traffic has been affected., especially now that Tame EP is gone, who had a significant share of the domestic passenger market.

  2. Thank you very much for keeping us well informed and especially the Ecuadorian citizens who reside abroad, my question and sorry for not being a comment is:As follows the Protocol of foreigners when arriving at any Airport in Ecuador about Covi-19. Thank you very much. Omar Bens

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