Airbus A340 Antarctica first flight hi fly history

For the first time an Airbus A340 landed in Antarctica

For the first time in history a Airbus A340 landedó in the Antártica belonging to the company Hi Fly. Press photo HiFly

The Captainán Carlos Mirpuri and his crewóThey didn't fly the planeón widebody, from Cape Town to the White Continent and back; the trip is from 2.500 miles náUticas, flying little más of five hours each way. Never before an Airbus A340 habíhas landed on a blue glacial ice runway in the AntáArctic.

The A340-313HGW has a high-flying matí9H-SOL has a weight mátakeoff ximo 275 tons, be usedá this season to take a little oneñnútourist grouper, together with hundredífics and essential cargo to the White Continent.

The flight narrated by the Commander and Vice President of Hi Fly

The crewón se reunió and leftó from the hotel in Cape Town at 5 am local. Transportation was lateó 30 minutes to get to CPT airport. Processing throughés airport tomó others 30 minutes and we arrived at the aircraft at 6 am, leaving two hours for our STD (scheduled departure time).

Engineers and ground operations personnelíThey left the hotel an hour early, so when we got to the aircraft, refueling is completedó and the charge was underway. Esperábamos 23 passengers, all client staff, and since this was the first flight of the season, most of the ground support equipment you will needímasters at WFR (Wolf’s Fang Runway, Antártida) was actually in our cargo compartments. The first two outputs have as único objetivo establecer la operación en la Antártida, before the summer season 2021/2022.

The 2500 miles náuticas entre CPT y WFR nos llevarían 5h10m de bajada y 5h20m de vuelta. As this was the first flight, with limited ground support, we plan a response time of 3 hours in WFR.


As usual, comenzamos con una sesión informativa para la tripulación al llegar al avión. Este no es un vuelo más, hay especificidades relacionadas con esta operación tan remota que estaríamos realizando, el entorno hostil al que nos enfrentaríamos y la necesidad de garantizar que la ropa protectora adecuada esté on board.

While cabin checks and catering loading were carried out, mi tripulación y yo estábamos inspeccionando la aeronave, checking your systems, cargando la ruta en las computadoras de navegación e informando los detalles de nuestra partida.

The passengers arrived 20 minutes before ETD. They were exactly 8 am, local time, when we turn away from the door. On time. Every time. This is the motto of Hi Fly.

We carry 77 tons of fuel. El 9H-SOL is an A340-313HGW (high gross weight) with a weight mátakeoff ximo 275 tons.

Its redundancy of 4 engines and their very long range, lo convierten en el avión ideal para este tipo de misión.

The route to WFR was almost direct, luego de cumplir con el procedimiento de autorización de salida por instrumentos emitido por el control de tránsito aéreo del CPT. Pronto fuimos entregados a Johannesburg oceanic a través de CPDLC / ADS, avoiding theí la fatigante y ruidosa comunicación de HF de largo alcance que se remonta a los años 50.

Finalmente detectamos la alineación de la pista y comenzamos a configurar, seleccionando flaps y tren de aterrizaje para que estuvieran completamente estabilizados 10 millas antes de la pista. Tampoco hay una guía visual de la pendiente de planeo, y la mezcla de la pista con el terreno circundante y el inmenso desierto blanco alrededor, hace que el juicio de altura sea un desafíO, por decir lo menos.

Los altímetros en tiempo fríit's también sufren errores de temperatura y necesitan ajustes. Todo esto fue contabilizado. Volamos con un enfoque de libro de texto para un aterrizaje sin incidentes, y la aeronave funcionó exactamente como estaba planeado. When we got to the speed of the taxi, I could hear a round of applause from the booth. East ábamos alegres. Afterés de todo, Eastábamos escribiendo historia.

Read the full story hereí.

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3 thoughts on “For the first time an Airbus A340 landed in Antarctica”

  1. Incredible how an a340 has such capacity, It was always my favorite plane and it's nice to see it in these stories as it's going extinct fast.. Thanks for this post and for the information..

    1. Surely they flew over the Argentine Antarctic, it would be nice to know in which sector the landing was, kind regards..!!

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