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LATAM Ecuador increases 7200 seats on domestic flights

LATAM Airlines Ecuador, from today, incrementó 7.200 seats in your sun offeréstic, thanks to the incorporationón of a grandfatherón largest capacity in its fleet.

In this way, the airínea puts at our disposalón an average of 240 additional daily seats to serve moreás áagile and timely for passengers, especially protectionón after the announcement of suspensionóEquair's number of operations last 30 of September.

The expansionónumber of seatsá oriented, principally, to cover the demand on the routes to Quito, Guayaquil and Gal Islandsápaid, that is foreseené for the following 30 días. Nevertheless, LATAM Airlines continueá evaluating user needs.

concretely, the grandfatherón is a Airbus A320 foodíCC-BFP which has 10 años since his first flight on the airlineínea, which arrivesó from Peruú the morning of this 2 October.

Notably, seats for protectionóNo. of passengers are assigned according toún availability of each flight sunéstic, complying with the policiesíaccommodation ethicsón corresponding to this agreement.In the case of passengers with nearby flights (less than 24 hours), dutyán approach Quito airports directly, Guayaquil, Coca, San CristóBal and Baltra, con míYOU 2 hours in advanceón at the departure of the LATAM flight. Passengers with flights in más de 24 hours dutyán approach the LATAM points of sale in the countryís. East án passengers with flights of m dates being prioritizedás close, starting with the fortnight of October.

The flight itineraries offered LATAM can be consulted on página web, In order to validate this informationón in advance.

Until the close of the dayífrom yesterday, se confirmó the protectionón of más de 2.000 seating, no additional cost.

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2 comentarios en “LATAM Ecuador incrementa 7200 seats on domestic flights”

  1. What a pity that Ecuador only sends us old planes that almost ruptured our eardrums upon landing. It is time for the country to demand that all companies operating in the country have a maximum of 5 years of operation

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