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LATAM Ecuador exceeds the level of domestic flights in relation to 2019

LATAM Airlines Ecuador supera ya el nivel de vuelos domésticos que operaba en comparación a cifras del 2019.

LATAM Airlines reports, with a lot of effort and thanks to the support of all Ecuadorians, ha superado el nivel de operación que teníto in the 2019. This important milestone for the sector, es muestra del compromiso que tiene la aerolínea con la reactivación del turismo y la economíto the país.

Estamos muy contentos con la recuperación que hemos tenido en la operación judgementéstica y es un objetivo que hemos podido cumplir gracias al gran trabajo del equipo LATAM Ecuador and to all Ecuadorians who continue betting on us. We remain committed to maintaining the connectivity of the equator” mencionó Mónica Fistrovic, CEO of LATAM Airlines Ecuador.

La hoja de ruta para el restablecimiento de todas las operaciones siempre estuvo marcada por el compromiso con la reactivación social, económica, comercial y turística del país. With 7 destinations and 32 Daily flights, the airínea mantiene la conectividad entre Guayaquil, Quito, Manta, Coca, Cuenca, Baltra, San Cristóbal and próximamente Loja.

after the pandemic, the operations of the LATAM Group fell in a 95% during the first months of the pandemic by Covid19. Due to that crisis, la empresa logró sostenerse con un 5% thanks to your divisióload no.. Since then, the compañía empezó a levantarse en un proceso paulatino y se enfocó en igualar las frecuencias que brindaba antes de la pandemia.

En promedio la aerolínea opera 36 daily flights or close to 900 operaciones mensuales ofreciendo más de 120 mil asientos al mercado doméEcuadorian stico.

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2 thoughts on “LATAM Ecuador exceeds the level of domestic flights in relation to 2019”

  1. It's great to see that airlines like latam are recovering strongly, I admire this airline a lot and I have flown many times in Lan and Latam and I always liked the service and kindness of the employees, I was once flying from CUE to UIO and asked if I could board through the back door since I had never done it before., It could seem silly since my seat was in front but they did it anyway apart from the fact that Lan was founded just on my birthday on 5 march 1929 (that is not the year of my birthday but the day) It is very nice to see how they regain that strength they had before and I wish the best success to this historic airline in Ecuador. Thanks for keeping us up to date., very good post.

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