Boeing suspend la production de Boeing 737 maximum

Boeing suspend la production du Boeing 737 MAX

Le constructeur américain Boeing suspende producción du Boeing 737 MAX desde enero de 2020 ante la imposibilidad de volver a servicio esta aeronave.

Se le vino la más oscura de las noches a Boeing y se suma una nueva mala noticia dentro de toda la larga novela con los 737 MAX y los dos lamentables accidentes relacionados con el sistema MCAS.

El comunicado oficial en inglés indica:

Safely returning the 737 MAX to service is our top priority. We know that the process of approving the 737 MAX’s return to service, and of determining appropriate training requirements, must be extraordinarily thorough and robust, to ensure that our regulators, customers, and the flying public have confidence in the 737 MAX updates. As we have previously said, the FAA and global regulatory authorities determine the timeline for certification and return to service. We remain fully committed to supporting this process. It is our duty to ensure that every requirement is fulfilled, and every question from our regulators answered.

Throughout the grounding of the 737 MAX, Boeing has continued to build new airplanes and there are now approximately 400 airplanes in storage. We have previously stated that we would continually evaluate our production plans should the MAX grounding continue longer than we expected. As a result of this ongoing evaluation, we have decided to prioritize the delivery of stored aircraft and temporarily suspend production on the 737 program beginning next month.

We believe this decision is least disruptive to maintaining long-term production system and supply chain health. This decision is driven by a number of factors, including the extension of certification into 2020, the uncertainty about the timing and conditions of return to service and global training approvals, and the importance of ensuring that we can prioritize the delivery of stored aircraft. We will continue to assess our progress towards return to service milestones and make determinations about resuming production and deliveries accordingly.

During this time, it is our plan that affected employees will continue 737-related work, or be temporarily assigned to other teams in Puget Sound. As we have throughout the 737 MAX grounding, we will keep our customers, employees, and supply chain top of mind as we continue to assess appropriate actions. This will include efforts to sustain the gains in production system and supply chain quality and health made over the last many months.

We will provide financial information regarding the production suspension in connection with our 4Q19 earnings release in late January.

Boeing suspende producción temporalmente en la línea de montaje del Boeing 737 MAX en Renton, ante el impedimento de poder recertificar la aeronave y poder que esta vuelva a los vuelos comerciales regulares en todo el mundo.

Apoyado por la aún negativa o digamos, uneún exigentes medidas que los entes regulatorios mundiales para que esta aeronave vuelva a volar, Boeing se ve en la obligación de suspender la fabricación, spaghettién, ya no hay más espacio para almacenarlos como un factor adicional.

Las pérdidas son millonarias para el fabricante y por ahora, no se ve una clara luz al final del túDans le, y se esperaría como nueva fecha tentativa para volver a servicio entre marzo y mayo de 2020, sujeto claro está, a la aprobación de los diferentes entidades de Aviación Civil mundiales.


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4 réflexions sur "Boeing suspend la production du Boeing 737 MAX”

    1. Hola y saludos! El que otro fabricante también haya tenido accidentes por fallas, errores u omisiones violatoriascomo sucedió en este casono significa o justifica la premura en su recertificaciondiría mi viejo del a apuro viene en cansancio pero en este caso trajo muertos y es lo que se quieren evitar de nuevo con una imagen tachada incluida la FAA y todo justo por la presión frente a la competencia.

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