Boeing 737-200 FAE Ecuadorian Air Force FAE-630

Flying in the Boeing 737-200 of the FAE

This new flight report les muestro cómo es volar en el histórico Boeing 737-200 from FAE desde el Aeropuerto de Quito hacia la Base Aéevil of Taura.

On the occasion of 25 aniversario del Combate Aéreo durante la Guerra del Cenepa, I was invited by the Force AéEcuadorian area a participar en esta celebración que se llevó acabo en la mítica Base Taura.

Flying in the Boeing 737-200 of the FAE

From the Quito Mariscal Sucre International Airport took offó el vuelo que me llevaría hacia la Base Aéevil of Taura, located in the province of Guayas.

boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
boarding the legendary 737 together with authorities, press and guests.

Este vuelo fue la magnífica oportunidad de volar nuevamente, and thenés de 5 años, en el clásico y hermoso Boeing 737-200 (algunas personas de cariño le dicen chanchito).

deo de hace 5 años:

This Boeing 737-200 with marriageícula FAE-630 tiene una larga historia, pero que en Ecuador inició sayén the añO 2013 cuando fue recuperado por la FAE para utilizarlo como avión de transporte del Ala 11.

Avión that operateó en Aerolíneas Argentinas hasta el añO 2007, wható parado en Guayaquil por temas aduaneros por algunos años y desde que regresó a servicio se mantiene operativo al servicio de los ecuatorianos con casi ya 40 añyou since your first flight.

boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
The flight took offó de la plataforma de Aviación General del Mariscal Sucre.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
Interior of the aircraft is kept in excellent condition.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
Starting taxi to take off from the runway 36.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
The power and sound of these engines remind us of the times when the Boeing 737-200 eran mayoría en Ecuador con AeroGal.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
Muy cómodo espacio entre asientos.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
The úlast time i flewé in this avión los asientos tenían tela con la imagen de Aerolíneas Argentinas, now they have another image with the DIAF logo.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
flying to 24 mil pies de altura según reportado por la tripulación.
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Amo los detalles clásicos de los paneles del Boeing 737-200.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
Beginning descent towards Taura.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
before landing, we made a flyover to Taura, interesante conocer esta Base Aérea.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
Prówe are about to land.
boeing flight report 737-200 ecuadorian air force
Nada más hermoso que ver la reversa del Boeing 737-200 FAE-630 activated.

Afterés de aterrizado fue el momento perfecto para recorrer un poco de historia sobre la aviación de combate del Ecuador, where Taura is a living museum, por lo que para cerrar este pequeño reporte, les dejo algunas fotos de interesantes aviones y detalles de la Base Aéevil of Taura:

combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base
¿Reconoces qué avión is?
combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base
One of the Mirage 50 that were donated by Venezuela, but they flew very little due to lack of spare parts.
combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base
The control tower is very striking with its camouflage paint.
combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base
Solo aquí encuentras un Kfir en plena cancha de baloncesto.
combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base
combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base
Legendary Jaguar.
combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base
Some of the Cheetah.
combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base
Two Mirage 50.

combat aircraft ecuadorian air force taura air base

Agradecimiento especial a la FAE por esta invitación para vivir esta celebración y conocer es mítico lugar de la historia reciente del Ecuador.

Les dejo un corto vídeo del vuelo de regreso en time-lapse:

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7 thoughts on “Flying in the Boeing 737-200 of the FAE”

  1. Hugo Gutierrez

    Hello, good afternoon
    I just found this report and its videos.
    equally, I have had the opportunity to fly on several occasions in the aircraft of the Mexican Air Force, for work, and by invitation, Well, I'm in a medium specialized in aviation in Mexico..
    On 2018, I had the opportunity to fly in the only Boeing 737-200 who operates the FAM, which brings a half executive configuration, with a leaves together and half passengers.
    The plane is still operational, but if you have reduced your flight hours.
    I have had the great opportunity to fly on the B727-100 and -200; /37-200 and -800; in C-130 Hercules; C-27J Spartan; HOUSE C-295; King Air 90 and in different rotary wing aircraft, all occasions under express invitation to go and see military air bases, special events or at Air Parades organized on Mexico's Independence Day. And the objective is always to raise graphic and audiovisual material to make reports and share with the public.
    excellent report sir. Larenas.,

  2. Vero Matha Cedeno

    Showing these photos to the public I don't think is a good idea so showing critical points of Taura before publishing you must have special permission and I don't think you do

    1. Hello Vero, I understand that your point is because Taura is a FAE base, but I tell you that the invitation was like press and we were authorized to take photographs. What's more, I invite you to put on Google Maps with satellite view, you can see all the details of the base on the internet.

  3. Patrick Garces

    Yes, those engines are powerful from Taura to Quito in less than 3.5 minutes lol….. excellent video that nostalgia that view of the wing: flaps, ailerons spoilers and especially the reversers, how they miss the little pigs and the 727….

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