Tame EP no deja de volar a Loja ATR42 Aeroregional

Tame EP does not stop flying to Loja, just adjust your offer

the airíecuadorian nea Tame EP does not stop flying Store, it only adjusts its offer by reducing its capacity due to aircraft availability in its fleet.

Regrettably, the traditional press or mediaón masivos se han esforzado en mal informar sobre la situación de los vuelos de Tame hacia el Catamayo City Airport.

Esta situationón que se debe única y exclusivamente a que Tame stops flying its Embraer planes 190 de manera definitiva en todas sus rutas dentro de su proceso de restructuración enfocado en la rentabilidad y reducir sus gastos operativos buscando un operación profitable.

It's an operationón rentable y cambios de la flota que en este espacio ya se publicaron meses atrás y que se confirmó en noviembre en entrevista al Gerente General de la aerolínea, por lo que la información no es nueva, ya existía y se daría tarde o temprano, but the press and sectors políticos la están usando para desinformar.

Tame EP does not let Loja fly

Hereí quiero informar bien y recalcar que la aerolínea de bandera del Ecuador NO DEJA de volar a Loja, just adjust your offer.

Tame's seat offer is reduced as it starts operating the 11 weekly frequencies to Catamayo with planes ATR42-500 en vez de una operación mixta con el Embraer 190.

The frequencies are kept, pero se reducen los asientos de algo más de 1.700 asientos semanales a poco más de 1.000 seating, the reductionón hay, but they don't stop flying.

Flight time increases, sí, but on average 15 minutes secún las condiciones de viento la ruta, algo que no tendría que afectar al usuario que mantiene un servicio y ni para qué compararlo con transporte terrestre.

options in the market

Finally, It is important to indicate that although Tame reduced its offer, en general en el mercado lojano existe ahora más oferta de asientos que en el mismo periodo del añO 2018.

This means, that thanks to the income of Aeroregional on this route, additional to Tame seats, existen en oferta más de 2.800 asientos que el año pasado no existían.

Aeroregional operates to Catamayo – Loja con también 11 weekly flights, por lo que ahora hay más vuelos y más asientos para este importante mercado aéreo de nuestro país.

Ahora el éxito de esta ruta para ambas aerolíneas será que el mercado se vuelva a estimular y que cuando Tame se recupere de su conocida situación, opere más vuelos o incorpore nuevamente aviones de mayor tamañO.

the important thing, there are options and no one has stopped flying to Loja.

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2 thoughts on “Tame EP does not stop flying to Loja, just adjust your offer”

  1. With all my respect, but the current state of TAME is the product of lousy operational and financial management, the most responsible thing that should be considered is for it to be managed again by the Air Force from which it was born and raised with the sole purpose of providing effective service., flying unprofitable routes linking all regions of our country.

  2. Let's stop being teased as if we were children.
    When TAME EP withdraws its ERJ-190 aircraft that have a capacity of 104 passengers and replace it with the ATR42/500 which has a capacity of 42 passengers and that depending on the temperature and wind of Catamayo, should reduce its capacity to approximately 36 O 38 passengers, It is a serious loss of income for TAME, not only on this route, but on all those routes that the ERJ-190 flew. The loss of availability of seat offers will be a reduction of approximately 60%, we must also count that, on many routes that cover the 2 A320 of the current fleet and on its national routes, many times the ATR must replace the A320, either due to fulfilling itineraries or due to lack of availability of planes, with this mathematical relationship means that, with the aircraft that now count as available in TAME, it is not enough to cover the total income necessary to cover its high operating costs, reason for having allowed the excessive entry of personnel from the previous government.
    It should also be mentioned that, by allowing the entry of a new airline to compete in this market, regardless of the amount of existing demand, the only thing that was sought is the burial of the already dying TAME.
    Now what is expected is the Untimely Layoffs of many workers, as it has already happened with the Embraer Pilots, This means leaving many professional families in many areas of this company without sources of income..
    What a way to end a year!!.
    They could have saved TAME, there were some ways to do it.
    But the government and its inefficient administrators of this company preferred to bury it and in this way bury and make us forget the serious deficit that it drags, caused by his previous and current political mismanagements, who were put by hand and with the directive of two incompetent governments.
    Now there is practically no TAME, because it can no longer compete with LAN-ECUADOR. AVIANCA AND UP TO AEROREGIONAL. Their frequencies have been distributed and therefore they do not have equipment to fly to the most productive routes.. The question we should ask is: Who or Who are responsible for this serious loss of the only national capital airline?
    Perhaps in due time, They will be able to give a clear account of everything that happened., the responsible person(s), whoever they were, Well, nothing and no one should be above the law..

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