propeller planes

Fly in propeller planes, It is safe?

We will analyze in this new installment if volar en aviones a hélice es seguro o no, taking into account the Fear to fly, we will solve this question.

Muchas veces he visto comentarios o lectores me han preguntado si volar en un avión que funciona con motores a hélice es seguro o no, a very understandable question given that users do not know in detail how these engines work.

No ingresaré en detalles técnicos del funcionamiento de los motores, más bien ampliaré lo ya adelantado en el especial Fear of Flying Part 1 from this blog, donde hablamos brevemente sobre la seguridad de la operación de aviones con hélists.

Currently, There are several types of aircraft and these, powered by different types of engines, todos ampliamente probados y certificados por las diferentes autoridades aeronáuticas mundiales, asegurando así, its efficiency, performance and above all, security.

The planes más modernos que son propulsados por hélists, realmente cuentan con motores turbohélice, que son motores jet a gasolina que mueven una hélice, where about the 90% del empuje es producido por las hélices y el 10% remaining by exhaust gases. Having said that, los motores modernos a hélice cuentan con equivalente tecnología que los motores de aviones a reacción y por lo tanto, security.

Independiente del tipo de motor a hélice, toda aeronave de por sí es segura y como hemos revisado en varias oportunidades en este blog, lo importante de cualquier avión es la responsabilidad con la que se opere la máwhich one, donde se debe seguir con las estrictas medidas de mantenimiento y operación indicado tanto por el fabricante, as by the regulatory authority. Ya hemos visto casos de accidentes con aviones nuevos de fábrica, age is not a factor and less, your engine type.

Otro punto que debemos comentar es que no por ser aviones con hélice estos son antiguos, old or are light aircraft, más good, many aerosolsíneas importantes a nivel mundial utilizan este tipo de aeronave para rutas de baja demanda o cortas, ya que estas generan menores costos operativos y al tener una operación safe, garantizan satisfacción en sus clientes.

Aviones a hélice en Ecuador

In the specific caseífico de nuestro país, contamos con una importante operación de aviones con hélists, both from the Armed forces, taxi toéreo, fumigators, pilot schools, load and alsoén, aerolíneas comerciales.

En cuanto a la operación del transporte de pasajeros comerciales, Ecuador has a fleet of 5 aeronaves turbohélice, where 3 planes are ATR42-500 de Tame EP and 2 planes Dash 8-200 of Airplanes, los cuales operan diariamente en el país transportando cientos de pasajeros de manera totalmente segura


With everything exposed, te invito a que la próxima vez que veas un avión con hélices o te toque volar en uno, no pienses que es un avión inseguro o viejo, quite the opposite, cuentan con toda la tecnología y cumplen totalmente con la reglamentación vigente para llevarte a tu destino.

We can't deny a theme, al ser aviones más smallños, the influence of turbulence es mayor y sí, in the grandfatherón sentirás que se mueve más, but this does not remove the total security that exists in the operations of this type of aircraft.

¿Volaste alguna vez en un avión con hélists? Cuétell me your experience in the comments.

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32 thoughts on “Fly in propeller planes, It is safe?”

  1. Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues

    I have flown a few times on Azul ATR planes on short stretches in Brazil and found the experience very pleasant. A big hug to everyone.

  2. Hello there! I have aerophobia. I must choose between traveling in a dash 8 400 the un embraer from NYC to Montreal. There is a lot of difference between how I will feel the turbulence in one or the other?

  3. Hi Nicolas, gran post.. I believe that the stigma with propeller planes is due to the fact that the vast majority of minor or non-commercial civil aviation has propeller-driven aircraft… this segment handles other types of security standards….

  4. Patrick Augusto Palau Duarte

    Excellent article!, I remember in my adolescence the Lockeed Electra 188 de Tame, tetra turbo propellers.

  5. I traveled the 19/01/2020 on the TAME propeller plane from Gye to Quito.. 10 minutes before arriving in Quito the plane began to wobble, there were times when it felt like the plane was plummeting, some people yelled, A lady who was walking next to me started crying and begged me to hold her hand.. The Truth that never in my life had scared me so much..
    Now I have to go back today 24/01/2020 on the same plane for Gye, I am very afraid, But with faith in God I will.. but I am sure of one thing Never in my life will I get on those small propeller planes again. Thank you very much for your attention.

    1. Hi Javier, what you felt, it is normal flying to Quito, do not worry, that independent of the plane, the turbulence will always be felt and that it is a propeller does not make it more or less safe. Greetings

  6. I traveled to Manta and everything was normal, it was not as noisy as they comment and the trip was calm without much turbulence (good back if when you get to Tababela).
    Obviously the trip takes a little longer but on the security side I don't see any inconvenience.
    greetings namesake

  7. The truth is that if I have traveled 10 times in tame ATR-42 planes on the Quito-Santa Rosa route or vice versa, a little longer the trip compared to an Embraer 190, or a Boeing 737-500 of Aeroregional , For the rest, I think it's totally safe..

  8. Thank you Nicholas for your prompt response.. one more question those planes are old models.. give it enough maintenance? There are plans B or C in case of an emergency.. they are not good at flying in bad weather? One understands that modernity is synonymous with new technology, that's why it really scares me a bit.

  9. Hello there! The truth is that I have to fly in an ATR-72 with a duration of 1h 15m. And the truth is that it scares me a lot since I additionally suffer from aerophobia. This model is safe?

      1. The important thing is that you are going to travel faster than the truck and cheaper than the plane used by Aeroméxico.

    1. It is quite safe and modern, so much so, that are still being manufactured and still have orders from different airlines in many countries. Personally, the flights that I have enjoyed the most are precisely in the turboprops, even more than international flights with larger planes

  10. VIP trip from Quito to Portoviejo a comfortable and entertaining trip , I did not like the last trip from Guayaquil to Loja after that experience I suspended the trips , landing in Catamayo with turbulence in those small Tame planes is something of a panic , never more.

  11. Kind regards, it would also be good to refer to the helicopters that use reciprocal rotors and engines in Ecuador there are many hours and experience in this regard

  12. greetings Nicholas,

    I have had the opportunity to fly in two types of propeller aircraft, in the ATR 42 to Loja and Salinas and a couple of times to El Coca with the memorable VIP Dornier. All these flights with origin-destination Quito.

    Having some knowledge of turbojet engines I did not have the feeling of fear, perhaps the difference is the greater insistence of the turbulence, the characteristic sound of propellers against the wind, the lower altitude and prolonged flight time.

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