Ecuador reduces tourism tax Ecodelta eco delta international flights Ecuador tourist power

Finally, Ecuador reduces Eco Delta to air tickets

Finally, Ecuador reduces rates EcoDelta and Tur Potentialíaesthetics in order to increase demand and increase competitiveness toépa areaís.

At last and afterñthose waiting, thaté includedó repeated posts from this server, the government of Ecuador I decidedó reduce Eco Delta for tickets toéguilty of waterí issued from all airports in the countryís, no longer only those administered by the DGAC or Cuenca.

A tax thaté I insistedó with the objective of generating a fund to promote the país abroad, but along the way I only fulfilledó the objective of making tickets more expensive for Ecuadorians, remove growth opportunitieséreo, más aerolídenies, flights, passengers and jobs.

Ecuador reduces Eco Delta tax

The news was given by the Ministry of Tourism, entity in charge of its collection, which throughés of a mushroomín press release announced más details of the reductionón qué to enterá in effect for new tickets issued from the próximo 1 June 2023.

The Eco Delta fee (that applies to Ecuadorians traveling abroad) matchá al 5% of the cost of the net service fee, with a roofáximo of 50 dóhomes. For instance, if net worth (before taxes) of a passage is 100 dóhomes, the ED rate will beíto of 5 dóhomes, instead of 50 dólares as it was before, causing a saving for the Ecuadorian of 45 dóhomes.

While, Tur Power rateístic (that applies to foreigners traveling to Ecuador) to beá of the 5% of the net value of the ticket toéreo (before taxes), with a roofáximo of 10 dóhomes. In this case, for instance, a cost of service 100 dólares will haveíat a PT rate of 5 dóhomes, creating savings of 5 dóplaces for foreign tourists.

This measure is applied to all regular international operations at concessioned airports, those that currently operate under this modality are Quito and Guayaquil.

Does not apply to flightsáinternational rter, whose Eco Delta rate continueá being 60 dólares in accordance with current regulations.

We applaud this measure, thaté veníwe have been insisting for many yearsños and finally allowá see an increase in Ecuadorian travelers in the medium term, tourists and más aerolílines arriving at our placeís thanks to the imminent increase in demand.

Ministerial agreement

I leave with you the respective ministerial agreement with máwith informationón:


IATA congratulates Ecuador

The reductionón of these taxes for international flights was a commitment agreed within the framework of the Díto Aviationón Ecuador organized by IATA the past toñO, to reduce the tax burden on passengers and enhance connectivity toéevil of través of measurements of thisímules that promote tourism, trade, the logístics and inversesóforeign n, and the benefits associated with these activities. Until now the additional charges represented on average más of the 44% of the total cost of the ticket.

“Reduce taxes, fees and charges helps generate competitiveness of the countryís, benefiting the development of tourism and the economyía. Además, contributes to changing the perceptionón of that the aviationón it is a luxury service and not essential transportation for países and its inhabitants”, I sayó Peter Cerdá, Regional Vice President for the Américh from IATA.

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