aeroregional flights basin guayaquil

Aeroregional will have flights between Cuenca and Guayaquil

Under ch modeárter, Aeroregional operateá vuelos entre las ciudades de Cuenca and Guayaquil starting the 22 from December to 2021.

The announcement was made by the authorities of Turismo y Obras Púwar, from this 22 from December to 2021 and temporarily, como una forma de aliviar la situación del transporte terrestre entre estas importantes ciudades dados lo cierres de vías y el alto tráfico que se presenta en esta época alta de viajes.

Airregional flights between Cuenca and Guayaquil

Flights start this 22 from December to 4 de enero y están abiertos para todos los viajeros y esperan tener una importante demanda dada la temporada más importante de viajes como también, dado las restricciones de las vías que se han presentado entre ambas ciudades en las úlast weeks.

En total serán tres vuelos que operarán the días 22, 28 and 4 from January (2022) themselvesún is detailed:


flights of the 22 and 4 from January

  • Flight takes off from Guayaquil at 15:00 hours and lands in Cuenca at 15:30 hours.
  • Flight takes off from Cuenca at 16:00 hours and lands back in Guayaquil at 16:30 hours.

The 28 de diciembre operará en este horario:

  • Flight takes off from Guayaquil at 18:30 hours and lands in Cuenca at 19:00 hours.
  • Flight takes off from Cuenca at 19:30 hours and lands back in Guayaquil at 20:00 hours.


Los pasajes están disponibles para comprar en agencias de viaje con este valor fijo:

  • From $160 round trip included Taxes and fees.
    • Includes carry-on and hold luggage 23 kilos.

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9 thoughts on “Aeroregional will have flights between Cuenca and Guayaquil”

  1. The truth is that for a moment I thought they would be regular flights, but I understand that they have the wrong planes., With the arrival of EquAir, I don't think this will change either because of the plane it has and the ones it plans to own., maybe there could be a route with Ecuadorian Airlines with the Q-400 although I also see this route more like for a Q-200, It is still good that Aeroregional takes the initiative and hopefully we can see this route regularly in the future. Thank you for informing us every day 🙂

  2. low demand, companies analyze whether or not it is convenient for them to operate these routes.
    It is logical and common sense. No one goes into business to lose..

  3. Only if you share an opinion with nlarenas do they let you publish it is a new fashion to control opinions there is no freedom for them

    1. As far as I know, he only does it so that there is no toxicity in the community and we share healthy opinions, I have seen several comments and many may also disagree, But if someone comes and Nicolás thinks his comment may be inappropriate, then he does not accept it and it is no longer a question of whether you agree with him or not..

  4. Operating as a charter is a farce because it becomes an irregular flight because a Person or a travel agency will appear as a contractor and will sell individual tickets Because the DAC or the CNA do not give regular open permits to whoever wants to compete NOW THAT INTERNATIONAL OPEN SKIES HAVE BEEN DECLARED and they keep the nationals restricted UNTIL WHEN WE HOLD THIS WRONG POLICY with competition they will lower the rates let them compete

    1. There is no restriction on flying this or any route, airlines just don't care because they don't have the right planes for low demand. If tomorrow LATAM wants to fly this route regularly, and they ask only fly when they want, no one is stopping it, you just have to know how the market works and be logical about how aviation works. About your other comment that there is no freedom of opinion, I do not know what you mean, since comments are always approved before being published, not published immediately, so let's locate ourselves please before accusing that there is censorship in this space.

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