Quito airport passengers 2019

More of 5 million passengers through Quito Airport in 2019

Fueron más de 5 million passengers who passed through the Quito Mariscal Sucre International Airport throughout the entireñO 2019.

Tras un gran año para el principal aeropuerto del Ecuador, donde se concretó el regreso histórich of Air Frances los vuelos de Air Canada Rouge, arrivedó More Ultra, Interjet y otras aerolíneas incrementaron destinos y frecuencias, es momento de repasar qué notó en cuanto a estadístatic.

After having crossed the barrier of the 5 million annual passengers in what was the 2018 at Quito Airport, the Año pasado se presentaron varios desafíos for the industryérea local y sobretodo para el aeropuerto ubicado en Tababela, having during the 2019 caído el núpassenger grouper:

AñO passengers
2010 5046911
2011 5369911
2012 5296280
2013 5421106
2014 5574019
2015 5376544
2016 4852530
2017 4875166
2018 5228072
2019 5037650

In the Año analizado, presentó una baja del tráfig of 4%, generado por factores influyentes como actualidad econóbit of breadís, the closure of the Tame route between Quito and New York, Lima and Bogotaás toda la reducción de sus frecuencias domésticas y el October unemployment as actors of this low.

Stadiumístatic 2019

ENE 188311 221220 409531
FEB 173344 216300 389644
MAR 198836 225630 424466
ABR 183714 232862 416576
MAY 188462 231184 419646
JUN 193339 225490 418829
JUL 228633 249290 477923
AGO 248493 237214 485707
SEP 208892 209216 418108
OCT 163644 200838 364482
NOV 177966 222444 400410
DIC 177108 235220 412328
AVERAGE 194228 225575 419804
TOTAL 2330742 2706908 5037650

The upward trend following the 2018 was maintained during the months of January, February and March, mientras que a partir de abril la tendencia a la baja inició.

comparatively, during the 2019 they were transported 33.852 fewer passengers on international flights and 156.570 menos pasajeros doméstatic, being the main decelerating factor the internal flights in Ecuador.


ENE 2848 1598 4446
FEB 2582 1369 3951
MAR 2892 1497 4389
ABR 2806 1443 4249
MAY 2853 1542 4395
JUN 2673 1523 4196
JUL 2680 1706 4386
AGO 2901 1780 4681
SEP 2739 1552 4291
OCT 2885 1409 4294
NOV 2786 1555 4341
DIC 2885 1718 4603
AVERAGE 2794 1557 4351
TOTAL 33530 18692 52222

Con la llegada de nuevas aerolíneas se esperaba un interesante crecimiento, but without any doubt, the mentioned factors affected the expected projections, so the challengeío para este 2020 to beá spaghettién important.

Importante también por las complicaciones que se vienen de frente como es el coronavirus y todos los desafíos negativos que traerán para la industria de viajes, turismo y economía mundial. overcome this crisis, se vendrá el objetivo de recuperar el mercado que se pueda perder en vuelos internacionales y doméstatic.

El apoyo deberá pasar por un plan turístico como país integral for in this way poder mantener a las nuevas aerolídenies that have arrived and those that have increased flights.

*Source DGCA.

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4 thoughts on “More of 5 million passengers through Quito Airport in 2019”

  1. Juan Carlos Dominguez

    It would be good to cite the source from which the data is obtained, if they are provided by the Concessionaire, they must be contrasted with those handled by Air Transport in the DGAC. In order to obtain a figure with a much lower probability of error and obtain better statistics of the data presented..

  2. Hi Nicolas,

    Very good data and hopefully the traffic, movements change the trend and Quito's Mariscal Sucre Airport (UIO) keep growing overcoming the reasons you mention.

    Please could you also publish the cargo movement data since, as you know, they are relevant statistics in terms of growth and comparison from previous years. 2013 a 2019 How has the evolution of the new airport been?.

    Thank you very much and best regards.

    Carlos Fernandez

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