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Avianca Ecuador announces direct flight Quito and New York

Avianca Ecuador announcementó el próximo inicio de vuelos directos entre Quito and New York, route to beá operada con aviones Airbus A320neo.

Photo by Diogo da ConceiçãO

Finally, and thenés of something más de 4 años, the Quito airport returná a estar conectado de manera directa con New York, siendo esta una de las rutas más solicitadas por los viajeros (including readers of this blog).

Hand in hand with Avianca Ecuador, estos vuelos volverán a ser parte de la programacióairport number, operating since the first week of June 2023.

Avianca flyá entre Quito y Nueva York, straight

In airplanes Airbus A320neo configured for 180 passengers in a single class (available chairs Premium Economy) the airídon't startá sus vuelos el próximo 1 de junio de este añO, marcado así the recoveryón de una ruta perdida en 2019.

Poniendo a disposición de los usuarios más de 7.000 monthly seats, being alsoén, the única aerolínea que actualmente vuelo directo entre ambos aeropuertos.


Initially, esta ruta operará with 5 weekly frequencies (Thursday, Friday, sábadass, sundays and tuesdays) and from 4 de septiembre los vuelos se incrementarán a 6 frequencies per week (un vuelo diario menos los miércoles).


Regarding the hours, this new route of Avianca Ecuador operateá as follows:

  • Flight 2K7396 takes off from Quito at 17:00 hours and lands in New York at 00:10 hours with durationón of 6 hours and 10 minutes.
  • Flight 2K7397 takes off from New York at 1:30 hours and lands back in Quito at 06:40 hours with durationón of 6 hours and 10 minutes.

As we previously indicated, these flights will beán operados con A320neo, which are expected to arrive in Ecuador for this and other routes in the following months, prior to the start of flights.


La tarifa publicada y ya a la venta en la web de la aerolíne are the following:

  • From $505 round trip included Taxes and fees.
    • Tarifa incluye únicamente artípersonal ass.

with these flights, Avianca Ecuador operará (since September) 12 weekly frequencies between Guayaquil and Quito toward New York, siendo la principal aerolíne in número de frecuencias operativas hacia la “Big Apple”.

Flights between Quito and New York return

Direct flights between Quito and New York first started the 1 march 2017 by Tame EP, at that moment covering the route with his Airbus A330 HC-COH. Subsequently, tras una baja rentabilidad debido a altos costos operativos y dentro de un proceso de restructuración interna de la aerolístate line, que tiempo después to beía liquidada, Tame dejó de volar entre ambas ciudades el 31 of January of 2019.

Dicha conexión es una de las rutas aéreas más populares y solicitadas entre Américh from the North and South. The distance between both cities is approximately 2.500 miles náUticas, which means a trip around 7 hours in direct flight, that are now resumed thanks to the initiative of Avianca with its Ecuadorian subsidiary.

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4 thoughts on “Avianca Ecuador announces direct flight Quito and New York”

  1. Excellent initiative from Avianca , with a very versatile aircraft like the A320NEO. They are wished and predicted an excellent response from the market.

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