Ecuador is attractive again for airlines

Ecuador is attractive again for airlines

It is 2019 has shown that Ecuador is once again atractivo para las aerolídenies, afterñlimited connectivity, again the paíitsá in the eye of the aerosolídenies.

Atrás quedaron los ochentas y noventas cuando a nuestro país llegaron importantes aerolíneas mundiales como Lufthansa y fue el mejor momento de destinos de nuestro país también with Ecuadorian from Aviación as the fundamental axis of these routes to the whole world.

They passedños y Ecuador fue perdiendo su importancia en el áaerospaceáuseful, en parte por el crecimiento de las potencias turístatic like Colombia and Perú, but alsoén por la baja del dinamismo del mercado que perdió su fuerte por entre otros, temas económonkeys.

From the 2017 the situationón ha cambiado y Ecuador entró nuevamente en el radar de las aerolíneas para desarrollar nuevos mercados, increase frequencies, capacity or position your brand.

¿Whaté you changeó?

Definitely, so that the panorama has changed and we have seen the increase in users of the main airports of Ecuador as Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca it is due to several reasons, donde entre los más importantes encontramos:

increase in tourists

From the 2017 se nota un importante incremento en el movimiento migratorio de los principales mercados emisores de turistas hacia Ecuador y también, los ecuatorianos están viajando más hacia el extranjero, lo que apoya a la toma de decisiones de las aerolíneas para volar hacia/ desde Ecuador.

During the 2018 se observó for instance, a increase of 44% más del mercado de Estados Unidos, siendo este el principal mercado para nuestro paíyes and Canadaá a 21% más de turistas, what it supports for example, the arrival of the direct flight Air Canada Rouge to Quito and a 9% of tourists from France that supports the return of Air France to Ecuador.

confidence to invest

En Ecuador el ambiente para la inversión ha cambiado, lo que ha motivado a las aerolíneas a considerar al país como un destino atractivo y que genere una inversión sostenida y a largo plazo.

Spaghettién, esta confianza se ha visto en los usuarios que ven con mayor seguridad el invertir dinero en viajes de negocios o turísticos con sus familias, estimulando así el mercado gracias a una estabilización económica, but alsoén impulsada por mayores ofertas y opciones de viaje.

Open skies

Although the políticas de Cielos Abiertosn no han cerrado acuerdos de este tipo con ningún país y la llegada de las nuevas aerolíneas se ha dado gracias a los current bilateral agreements con cada uno de los paíyou are involved, but without any doubt, ayudó a poner en buenos ojos al país, ante las aerolídenies.

The más cercado acuerdo de Open skies se daría con Estados Unidos, once Ecuador meets certain requirements, for example, la eliminationón del Impuesto de Salida de Divisas – ISD.

¿Cómo se ve el cambio para los usuarios?

Más aerolídenies, represents a greater offer and alternatives, which in the long run is represented in lower costs for users.

A parte del incremento del movimiento del tráI'm theéreo en Ecuador que inicio en el 2017, we can see the arrival of new aerosolíneas o el incremento de frecuencias, in what I have called as the 2019 año histórich for aviationóecuadorian n, it stands out:

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15 thoughts on “Ecuador is attractive again for airlines”

  1. As usual.. The authority denies routes or hinders local companies and puts everything on a silver platter for foreign companies, these arrive with fanfare in high season and make their good money, when it is no longer the season they close and leave, or just decrease frequencies. And this is how the development of local aviation is not supported.

  2. Hello there , By the way, I see that there is an x ​​na of works and earthworks at the Quito airport next to the terminal. , What are those jobs? ? According to the quiport page there is an expansion … one sleeve… :S and remodeling of the terminal I imagine they are going to give a modern touch to our new but outdated and unattractive terminal. They should take a tour of the JJO de gye to see if they bring any fresh ideas…

  3. Thanks, that is, we agree on the mismanagement of the empress in its high operating costs, various flight equipment and expensive leasing, I exceeded staff, enough reasons to lead it to bankruptcy and debts of more than 160 millions
    The serious thing is that a true restructuring is not seen in the future

  4. Ok, so we will wait if that is the case to verify that Tame did not know how to or could not handle that passenger traffic and it failed, as there would be no other explanation.

  5. A pity about Medellín but it is only delay that will happen
    Peruvian already confirmed their dates
    And I remove New York without hope, which confirms Tame's error in operating that flight instead of Gusyaquil, since Jet Blue and Eastern have already announced their operations, but to Guayaquil.
    I hope someone is interested in Quito, otherwise they will have to leave through Bogotá or Panama

  6. Hello there, very good news for our country, It is a good step to lower the prices of the tickets and to make the price for traveling to the United States more affordable..
    I don't know the concrete connection to Medellín? And the Peruvian flight to Lima? Additionally, there are no interested parties in covering the Quito New York route left by TAME?

    1. Medellín is postponed due to the situation of Avianca. Peruvian already indicated that it would be for July. The New York thing, nothing yet, but there are interested.

  7. It is an excellent analysis of the topic.
    The only thing missing is that the state, through the Civil Aviation Council, never promoted the foreign ministry for the bilaterals that were very closed at that time to wrongly protect Ecuador.
    Then the DAC with regulations against private companies and civil and commercial aviation that led to the failure of many international and national airlines, including air taxis and even fumigators.
    Now open skies and more liberal measures tend to improve the outlook but always fighting against the conditions imposed by DAC in order to move forward
    Good for our country Good for Quito and Guayaquil
    Let's hope that the "facilities" for the other airports give results, but the conditions are still not very exciting and must be improved to have better commercial air connectivity in the country, including of course the Amazon and small towns on the coast and mountains.

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